Chapter 2: Earth Kills

Start from the beginning

"You and fox fell asleep by the campfire so we carried you here" Atom says from beside me

I look around to see that I'm in a tent with 6 other people, Fox, Murphy, Atom, Monroe, Miller and someone I didn't recognize, and were all cuddled next to each other so that there was enough room to fit everyone in the small tent.

"Thanks" I reply with a yawn

"Bellamys pretty mad at me, I was supposed to watch Octavia and instead she was off sucking face with you" he tells me

I start to blush again "sorry" I squeak out

"It's fine, just be careful okay Bellamy is really protective of her" he tells me before getting up and leaving the tent.

"Hi" Fox says giggling

"What's got you so giggly this early in the morning?" I ask her

"He looks cute when he sleeps" she says pointing to Murphy

"He's trouble, be careful" I warn her

"Now you sound like atom" she says, obviously having heard what he just told me.


All you could hear throughout the camp was jaspers screams of pain. Clarke, Wells and Finn had gone out looking for some medicine to help him but everyone was getting annoyed by his screams.

"Katherine" Bellamy calls walking over to me

"Call me Kat" I tell him

"Okay Kat, a group of us are going hunting do you want to come along?" he asks

"Why are you asking me to come?" I ask confused

He sighs annoyingly "do you want to come or not?" he answers ignoring my questions

I hesitantly nod

"Alright well come on were leaving now" he says gesturing for me to follow him

There were a small handful of us going, me being the only girl.

"How did you get roped into this?" Atom whispers to me as we all walk through the forest looking for something to kill.

"Bellamy asked me too" I whispered back

He raises his eyebrow at me and I just shrug.

We start to creep up on a small boar but one of the guy's steps on a twig causing it to start to run and Bellamy to throw his axe. It lands in a nearby tree right next to a small girls head.

"Get it" Bellamy yells causing everyone but me, him and atom to run after the boar.

"Why aren't you at camp?" Bellamy asks the girl

"I couldn't deal with the screaming" she tells him

"It's not safe out here for a little girl" Atom tells her

"I'm not little" she says stubbornly

"Fine but if you're going to hunt you'll need a weapon" Bellamy says pulling a knife from his belt and handing it to her.


After an unsuccessful day of hunting the group of us are all heading back to camp when we hear a loud horn sound and a cloud of yellow fog starts blowing towards us.

"Run" Bellamy yells

We all take off in a panic as the fog starts to get closer.

"There's caves this way" he yells when we realize were too far away from camp

I stumbled over a rock but Bellamy catches my arm and pulls me into a cave charlotte running in behind us.

I get a bit of fog in my lungs and it burns like poison

"Katherine" I hear Atom scream from outside as the fog takes over

I lunge forward but Bellamy pulls me back

"You'll die if you go out there" He tells me

"But Atom" I whimper at his harsh grip

"He'll be fine" Bellamy assures me loosening his grip "now are you going to sit down and wait it out in here or am I going to have to hold onto you to keep you from committing suicide out there.

I push him away from me and go sit next to charlotte on the cold cave floor.


"Wakey wakey" Bellamy says shaking me awake the next morning.

I groan and rise from the hard floor.

Charlotte, Bellamy and I walk out of the cave.

He calls out for the others and everyone comes running towards us.

"Where's atom?" I ask frantically

"We thought he was with you" one of them replies

"Alright everyone split up let's find him." Bellamy says but before anyone can move we hear a scream. I go running towards it when I notice charlotte was gone.

I soon find her standing over a blistered, bloody body.

"Atom" I mutter running over and crouching down next to him to see hee's still breathing.

The rest of the group catches up and when Bellamy sees what has happened he commands for everyone to go back to camp.

He comes and kneels next to me as I hover over Atoms close to lifeless body.

"" Atom croaks out

Bellamy holds up a knife but can't bring himself to do it.

I take it from his hand and stroke Atoms hair slowly.

"May we meet again" I whisper before sticking the knife in Atoms neck.

He sputters out one last breath before he closes his eyes and drifts into death.

I shakily drop the knife and stand up.

"I'll get a few guys to come collect his body" Bellamy tells me, standing up as well

I nod and walk back to camp.

When Octavia sees me she comes running over.

"Thank god you're okay, where's my brother?" she asks

"He's on his way back" I choke out, trying to hold back tears

"What's wrong?" she asks confused

"Atom... He...he's dead" I say before bursting into tears

She pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tight.

"shh..shh, It's going to be okay" she coos whiles stroking my hair.

20 minutes later A few guys have carried Atoms body back to camp and Wells volunteered to bury him with the other two bodies of the boys who died during landing.

Bellamy lashed out at Murphy when he called Octavia psycho, Apparently Murphy tried to kill Jasper but thankfully Octavia and Monty stopped him.

I don't think I could have handled another death today.

But I have a feeling Atoms death won't be the last.

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