DR! Lloyd x f! reader (sfw) part 3

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(💖Author's 💖 note: Morro is featured in this cause since in Dragons Rising all the realms have merged, people have theorized that Morro may or may not be back because of the realms merging. So, I'm sorta doing following that theory)

3rd person

"Hello?" Y/n says, sitting up.

Y/n looked around, she saw darkness everywhere. She looked down at her dress. It was now shredded making it shorter than it was before. Y/n stood up and she looked around. Everything was dark and somewhat cold. She stood up and started walking around, trying to figure out where she was.

"Hello?" She called out again.

Time skip

Y/n was still walking around. She was hugging herself trying to keep warm. She was shivering a little. Y/n thought she was lost and that she was never gonna see her loved one or her friends again.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" Y/n called out again.

Y/n then started hearing a whisper telling her to keep going straight. She listened to the voice and she continued going forward. After a while the whisper told her to turn left. Y/n continued listening to the whisper until she came across what appeared to be a little campsite for 1 person. Y/n looked around to see who it belonged to. She didn't find anyone. She started looking around the small campsite. She found a tree, in the tree was a man she didn't recognize. He had dark hair with a green streak in it. He was also wearing black jeans with green details, a black leather jacket with green details, and a black tank top. He looked down at her.

"About time you got here." He says.

"What?" Y/n asks.

"You heard what I said." He replied.

"Who are you?" Y/n asks him.

"Someone." He says.

"That doesn't answer anything." Y/n told him.

"I'm someone your friends and husband knew." He says.

"But who?" Y/n asks, getting frustrated.

"Morro. They knew me as Morro." Morro says, sitting up and leaning back on the tree.

"I'm Y-" Y/n started.

"I know. I've been keeping an eye on you and the ninja. I was reedeemed and told to be their guardian angel. Kinda." Morro says.

"So you were the one to save me?" Y/n asks him.

"Pretty much." Morro replies.

"Why? And how?" Y/n asks him.

"I owe it to Lloyd. And how? Well, that wasn't hard. Made a deal with someone to help you." Morro says.

"A deal? With who?" Y/n asked him.

"No one you need to know." Morro says.


But, I want to know." Y/n says.

"You'll find out but not now." Morro says.

"Fine. Can you at least help me get home at least?" Y/n asks.

"Fine. Monastery?" Morro asked.

"Where else?" Y/n asked him.

"Fair point." Morro says, looking away nervously.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked him.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing at all. I'll get you back to the monastery." Morro says.

Morro snapped his fingers, a portal opened up, Y/n turned to the portal, and Morro jumped down landing next to Y/n.

"Let's go." He said, walking through it.

Y/n followed him. They ended up in the court yard of the monastery. Y/n could hear the ninja's inside. Ryu walked by, noticed Y/n and then ran to her. Y/n started petting him and alerted everyone else in the process. The others started running out to the court yard.

"Y/n!" They said, going up to her and hugging her.

Lloyd stood in the door way, frozen with fear noticing Morro. Morro noticed Lloyd looking at him and started walking away into the open portal.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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