DR! Lloyd x f! reader (sfw) part 2

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3rd person

"Lloyd?" Y/n says out loud.

Lloyd started waking up. He looked up at Y/n in her eyes. She was smiling sweetly at him. Tears were filling her eyes a little.

"Hey. A-are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Lloyd asked.

Y/n didn't say anything as she leaned forward and hugged him, burring her face into the crook of his neck.

"Are you ok?" Lloyd asked.

"Yea. I..just missed you." Y/n says.

"What are you talking about?" Lloyd asks, pulling away slowly and looking Y/n in the eyes.

"I remember. I remember everything." Y/n says.

Lloyd looked at Y/n in a bit of shock. He felt tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Y-you do?" He asked her.

Y/n nodded, tears falling from her eyes down her face, she was smiling. Lloyd hugged her, putting his face in the crook of her neck. Y/n hugged him back.

Time skip to a few months later

The day of the wedding and Y/n was in her bedroom, getting ready. She was pacing back and forth in her robe. Nya knocked on the door.

"Y/n, you ok in there?" She asks.

"Oh, uh, yea. Come in." Y/n says.

Nya walks in a blue dress, with her black hair in a pony tail. She closed the door behind her.

"You good Y/n? The wedding is in half an hour and you're not even close to being ready." Nya says.

"I know, I know. I'm just nervous. I lost my memories and then they came back, and now I'm going to be married to the love of my life, and now, I'm stressed and have cold feet." Y/n ranted.

"Ok, ok. First things first, let's take a few deep breaths." Nya says.

Y/n and Nya then sat on the floor, then starting to take a few deep breaths. After calming down, Nya helped Y/n get ready.

25 minutes later

Nya was putting on the finishing touches on Y/n's hair and dress. When she's done, she gives Y/n her bouquet and leaves. Nya heads back to where the others are. Y/n was holding the bouquet and looking at the mirror, calming herself down a little. Once she was done, she opened the door and went to where she was. In front of her was a pair of doors, the doors lead to the alse and the alter. Once the music started and the doors opened, Y/n started nervously walking down them, Kai was standing near me. He was wearing a red suit with a black tie, he wanted to walk his little brother's partner down the alse. Once we got to the asle, Kai went back to where Cole and sat beside him. They pecked lips before looking back at the alter. Lloyd was standing there, he looked handsome. He was wearing a green suit and black tie. The priest got onto the podium and started giving the wedding speech.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matcheramony." The priest started.

"Nervous?" Lloyd mouthed.

I nodded. He gently took my left hand and gently squeezed it with resurance.

"Y/n L/n, do you take Lloyd Garmadon to be your newly wedded husband?" The priest asked me.

"I do." I say.

"And do you Lloyd Garmadon, take Y/n L/n to be your newly wedded wife?" The priest asked Lloyd.

"I do." He says.

"And by the power in vested by me, I now pronounce you both husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says.

We both leaned towards each other. We were about to kiss when something came crashing through the ceiling of the church. There was no time to react as quickly. Zane used his ice powers to make sure everyone got out. Cole helped make sure everyone got out safe and sound. Lloyd had grabbed my wrist gently and we started trying to get out of the church. Then something happened, a portal opened up and a hand grabbed my other wrist and pulled me in. With Lloyd still hold my wrist, him and this person or thing started fighting over me. Lloyd lost his grip and I fell into the portal.

"Y/n!!" Lloyd called out, before Kai and Cole got him out of there.

"Lloyd!!!!" I called out, before being pulled further away from the portal. And then it closes.


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