Prologue: The Woman Who Died Twice

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Currently, there is a festival going on, and with festivals free food tends to come along. This, naturally, attracts those down on their luck who need food. Such is the case for this particular festival.

Walking through the streets and seemingly searching for something or someone is a woman with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a golden yellow dress. Finally, the woman comes across two children, both girls, at the free fruit stand, enjoying the free fruit. "Children," The woman started, "if the two of you listen to my story, I will give you both money for pizza."

The younger girl, who had curly brown hair and brown eyes gasped in excitement and looked at her friend, who had short, wavy, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The older girl looked at her friend, who was giving her puppy dog eyes while eating her pomegranate. "Fine." The older relented, knowing how the pizza money could help.
And so, the woman sat on a bench in the park, with the girls sitting on the grassy ground.

Smoll time skip

"And that's how I died the first time!" The woman told her two listeners. "Cool!" The younger of the two, named Lucky, said, hugging her black cat plush. "What. The. Actual. F***?" The other girl, named Rory, asked, dumbfounded. "Yeah, but that is only half of the story, I will give you two money for pizza after the whole story, though." The woman said, knowing that kids who live on the street are always desperate for food money. "Deal." Rory said, disgruntled about having to listen to some make believe story, sure she and Lucky had powers, but dying and coming back to life? That's far fetched, even for her. "How did you come back to life?" Lucky asked.

"I rebirthed, now I will tell you the rest of my story." The woman told the small girl, before continuing the story.

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