With jittery hands, Himari arranged the table for breakfast and quietly consumed half of a small bowl of rice in a secluded corner.

The television broadcasted the news, reporting that over twenty individuals had been brutally killed the previous night. Censored images of the brutal massacre were displayed on the screen, depicting endless gore and splatter. The global conversation surrounding the incident centered on the resurgence of demonic activity.

Oh, my... How terrible!

Himari, feeling a loss of appetite, sat in the living room and let out a sorrowful sigh. Shortly after, the rest of the family members came down for breakfast. As Soaku passed by Himari, she tossed a crumpled ball of paper at her.

"That's your list for today. I'll leave some money and you better come back with the receipt!" Soaku barked.

On the long list of ingredients was a certain item that stood out the most: truffles.

"Madam Kato, I'm certain that the marketplaces here don't have any truffles," Himari said.

"That's a lie, you mongrel! The marketplace near the Setsuri Village has them; I checked myself!" Soaku bellowed, her face turning red with anger.

"... Setsuri Village? But that's over seven hours away!"

"Well, you'd better hop to it!"

Himari checked her phone and noticed that the metro she had to catch was scheduled to depart in less than an hour. Hurriedly, she dashed towards the metro station.


Himari bought a ticket and settled into a seat by the window. Opening it, she basked in the warm sun and the gentle breeze. The weather was delightful; the sky adorned with a lively azure hue, the temperature perfect, and the birds chirping melodiously. Upon realizing that she had to spend most of the day on the subway, Himari felt a sense of sorrow as she knew she wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the day. With a sigh, she opened her book and started to read.

Alright. Let's just get this over with.


"Tsukihiko, I hope you enjoy your business trip."

Earlier, Muzan informed Rei that he had been summoned to attend a meeting in Beijing that would last for a couple of days. He elaborated that it involved meeting with the same investor as before, which was untrue as during their previous encounter, Muzan had consumed the unsuspecting shareholder. The investor had underestimated him and attempted to deceive him into entering a faulty business arrangement. Muzan's extensive understanding of finance and trade enabled him to discern the falsehoods, and the demon was ravenous at the time.

Rei stood on her tiptoes to kiss the tall, pale-skinned man on his cheek.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with our daughter? I could cancel if you'd like," Muzan said insincerely. This was another one of his ways of manipulating others; by using reverse psychology and guilt-tripping.

"Oh, you don't have to cancel! We'll be just fine," Rei said. In truth, she wished that he would decline and stay with her. The sex they had last night was the only thing on her mind. The Tsukihiko she knew wasn't capable of fucking her in such an aggressive manner. The newfound strength and power that boiled inside him made her folds glisten with moisture.

"Darling, I adore you," he declared as he gently held her chin and kissed her, his tongue delicately intertwining with hers. Rei was surprised by the passionate kiss as Muzan, suitcase in hand, turned to depart. Shortly after, Rei hurriedly followed Muzan as he got into his car.

Eyes Like Rubies: Part One {ORIGINAL}Where stories live. Discover now