"Nah, I got it. Thank you, though." Avery reassured her before moving to sit on the island and open her carton of yogurt. She sipped at her coffee and ate her yogurt as the sound of her siblings finishing getting ready came from upstairs. Jenna cursed under her breath as she rushed to look into the fridge for what to make for breakfast. Elena came downstairs and passed by her Aunt and sister.

"Good morning. What's for breakfast?" Elena announced herself, reaching for the coffee Avery brewed.

Avery merely shrugged as Jenna cursed again. "I-I haven't made anything yet. Toast. I can make toast."

"Ah, it's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena sighed as she poured herself a cup.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asked. Avery flinched, almost spilling her coffee, as she didn't expect her brother to come out of nowhere.

"It's your first day of school, and I'm unprepared," Jenna stressed as she returned to her things. Avery smirked as Jeremy stole Elena's cup of coffee, but that smirk turned upside down as she saw Elena making another cup. She sighed and decided to be nice to her sister for once and traded Elena with her cup of coffee.

"Here," Avery mumbled before she poured the rest of the coffee into the other cup while Elena had her old cup.

"Oh. Thank you..." Elena smiled while Avery nodded and tossed her now empty carton of yogurt in the trash, sipping her new coffee cup.

"Lunch money?" Jenna inquired as she approached with a 5.

"No thanks." Elena sighed as Jeremy took the bill for god knows what.

"Anything else? A number two pencil?" Jenna sarcastically remarked, half to herself. "What am I missing?"

"Don't you have a presentation today?" Elena asked while Avery watched with her coffee in hand.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now." Jenna sighed, looking at her watch. She took down her bun in stress. "Crap."

"Then go. We'll be fine." Elena reassured her. Jenna smiled thankfully before rushing out of the house. Elena turned to look at Jeremy in concern, "You okay?"

"Don't start." Jeremy scoffed as he shoved past her to walk to school.

Elena sighed in defeat as she turned to Avery with the same question. Avery just shrugged with a mumble, "Just peachy."

Avery walked to grab her bag and stepped outside, seeing Jeremy begin the trek to the school.

"Yo! Jer. Get in the car, taking you to school." Avery yelled.

"I'm fine!" Jeremy yelled back.

"Don't you want to get there as quickly as possible to see Vickie?" Avery grinned.

"How did you-?"

"I know things, little dude. Now get in." Avery chuckled as she slid into her simple Jeep Cherokee. Not too long after, Jeremy hopped in, and Avery backed out of the driveway.

The drive to the high school was filled with loud music, and Jeremy stared out the window. Getting to the school quickly, Jeremy immediately got out to see Vickie. Avery ignored all the teenagers looking at her car as she sped out of the parking lot and began the journey to Whitmore College.

【 ➳ ∞ ↞ 】

Finishing her classes was long and tedious for Avery, getting to her car at 1 p.m. Her shift at the grill didn't start until 2, so she had to drive back to Mystic Falls for the grill to begin her shift. The drive was short and long simultaneously because Avery half-sped to get to work and got bored along the way.

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