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Kate did not let me go to work for a week so that I could get some rest. There were also police officers keeping watch, ensuring my safety and maybe that's why Ghostface didn't comeback to attack or even show himself up.

I spent my time writing the article about my survival, and thank God, I was able to finally finish it. The pain from my stab wound is now bearable, so I am finally ready to return to work.

While walking through the building, I was greeted by some co-workers and some of them even asked me about my condition. I greeted them back and told them that I was doing fine now.

I walked towards my office and as I stepped into the office, I saw Jed at his desk, busy writing. He looked up and grinned when he saw me. "Hey! Welcome back," he said, his pen hovering over his notepad. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks," I answered, happy to be back. "Really? How about your wounds?" He asked again, "Don't worry, the pain is bearable now."

"That's really good to hear, glad that you're doing good now." He said with a warm smile.

"Yup, and also you're not wearing a cap anymore, you're not cold anymore Mr. Olsen?" I joked that made him chuckled, "Oh yeah," he then reach up to ruffle his fluffy hair.

As he ruffled his hair, I noticed a small bandage on his forehead. "Did you hurt yourself?" I inquired. "If you're talking about my forehead, I accidentally bumped into something and it left a scar," he explained, still smiling. "Oh, are you okay?" I asked, a hint of concern in my voice. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's not a big deal," he said smiling, reassuring me. "Well, that's good to hear."

I walked over to my desk, I settled down and organized my belongings. "Oh, by the way, I finished writing the article about my survival."

"Wow, that's awesome. Mind if I give it a read?" Jed asked, intrigued. "Sure, take a look," I went over to his desk with the article in my hand and gave it to him. He took it with a grateful nod and started flipping through the pages.

I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement as I watched him flip through the pages. His focused expression hinted at his genuine interest, which put me slightly at ease, but also I couldn't help but feel a bit of nervousness mixed with excitement, waiting for his feedback.

"Wow, this is awesome!" Jed exclaimed, a look of amazement on his face. "Really? Thanks!" I responded happily, relieved that he liked it.

"Yeah, but I think you should rewrite or remove this part here," he added, pointing to a section in the article. "It's like you repeated the same idea using different words. And remember, use simpler words. Not everyone reading this will be well-educated or professionals. They might struggle with those complex words."

"Ohh..." I murmured, feeling a mix of embarrassment and disappointment that I hadn't done better with my writing. "Don't be disappointed, I'll help you to rewrite some parts of it, if you want," Jed offered me with a comforting smile.

"Really? You'll do that?" I asked, surprised by his offer to help. Jed nodded with a reassuring smile.

"Of course! We'll work on this together," he said encouragingly. "Don't worry, it just needs a little polish to make it shine. We'll make sure it's clear and engaging for everyone who reads it." His confidence and willingness to assist uplifted my spirits. With Jed's guidance, I felt more optimistic about refining the article and making it accessible and impactful for a broader audience.

I delightfully nod, I grab a chair and settled in next to Jed. Together, we started fixing the article. We talked about each part, changing some words to make it easier to understand. Jed was patient and explained things well. We worked together to make sure the story was clear and interesting for everyone. With his help, the article got better, telling my story in a way that everyone could enjoy. Working with Jed felt great, like we were making something really special.

Time passed, and we eventually wrapped up the revisions on the article. "Wow..." I murmured in amazement, scanning through the freshly edited article.

"Ugh," Jed groaned, stretching his body after the long editing session. I glanced at him and chuckled. "This is amazing, Jed. Thanks you so much for all your help!" I said to Jed as I felt a surge of gratitude toward him for his patience and support. The article now felt polished and ready to share, thanks to our joint effort.

"No problem," Jed replied with a casual smile, he leaned back in his chair looking slightly relieved that the task was completed.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you for all this help?" I asked, feeling appreciative of his support. Jed smirked playfully and leaned in a bit closer, his tone slightly teasing, "Well, you could buy me a coffee sometime."

As Jed leaned in a bit closer, a rush of warmth flooded through me, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks
"D-Deal! I owe you one, then. Coffee's on me!" I said with red cheeks.

"Great," Jed said with a grin, noticing my reaction but keeping the playful tone. "Looking forward to that coffee then."

I nodded, still blushing a little, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Oh, by the way, I think I should pass this article to Kate now, and also that she can give this to the editors." I mentioned to Jed. "Oh yeah, Good idea." Jed replied, nodding as he returned to his normal sitting position. "I'm sure she'll love it" he added. I nodded with a smile, "I really hope so." I said with a hopeful and nervous smile.

I gathered the article, tucking it under my arm, and made my way towards Kate's office.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 || 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें