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"Ghostface..." I whispered, the name coming out of my mouth like a cold breath. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the most feared killer is now standing in front of me.

The light from the moon showed the mask clearly, making the shadows dance around it. A white mask with big, strange eyes and a creepy, long mouth... the one that brings fear to everyone. By just looking and measuring this persons height, there was no doubt that this person is a male.

I could barely stand as my legs shake in fear. My heart raced as I slowly stepped back while clutching my wounded shoulder.

"W-What do you want?" I asked, my voice was shaky because of fear.

The person didn't say anything and just giggled behind the mask. He took a step closer, and I felt a rush of panic. He then pull out a sharp knife and took a step closer, I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't fucking move. It was like I was stuck in place, trapped in a nightmare.

"I told you you'll regret hanging up" He said with a chilling tone, by his voice, it was obvious that this person is using a voice changer. He raised his knife as he walk forward, trying to stab me. Luckily, I was able to move away just in time, making him stab the couch instead.

As he tried to pull out his knife from the couch, I took this opportunity to run towards the front door. As I was about to grab the door handle, he suddenly yanked my hair really hard that forced out a cry of agony from my lips. I was pulled back with brutal force, my scalp ablaze with pain.

Ghostface then tuckled me to the ground began choking me. One of his hands were wrapped around my neck, strangling the life out of me while his other hand held his knife. I grabbed his wrist with two hands, fighting for any chance to break free. I tried punching him on the face but he keeps dodging it. I was getting out of air and tears began falling from my eyes. The darkness at the edges of my vision grew. With each passing second, the world dimmed as the pressure on my neck tightened.

My eyes widen when he raised his knife and stabbed my left thigh, I screamed in agony. My scream echoed in the room, mingling with his cold laughter. "That's right, scream!" he said with a chilling tone. He didn't pulled out the knife, instead he pushed it further to my flesh and twisted it that made me cry out more.

As I was screaming, his other hand suddenly let go of my neck and punched my face. My head snapped to the side, I felt blood dribble from my nose and lip. The pain, the fear, it all crashed over me, overwhelming my senses.

"Ah! Urghh!" I groan in pain when he suddenly pulled out the sharp knife out of my flesh. Looking up at him, I saw him raising the knife again, ready to strike. Without hesitation, I kicked his 'area' with my knee. He let out a pained groan, and I seized the moment to forcefully kick him in the stomach with my right leg.

"You bitch!" He stumbled backward, his grip on the knife momentarily loosening. I scrambled to my feet, my heart racing with fear. My vision was blurry from tears and pain, but I knew I had to keep moving. I limped towards the door. My breath was ragged as I reached for the doorknob, Ghostface then suddenly pulled me back by the collar of my shirt from behind.

He pushed me against the wall, and raised his knife, ready to strike again. Luckily, I was able to grab a vase on a nearby table and hit him with it. The vase collided with Ghostface, sending shockwaves through his frame. He staggered, losing his balance, and fell to the ground.

I swung the door open and stumbled out into the night. The cold air hit me like a slap in the face, but I didn't care. I needed to get as far away from that house as possible.

"You're fun to play, Doll" he said from behind with a chilling tone, it got even worse when he giggled. I dare not look back anymore and ran. My injured leg protested each step, but I pushed through the pain, driven by sheer survival instinct.

I groaned in pain in every step, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind racing with thoughts of how I could escape this nightmare. The sound of my own breathing echo in my ears, and every rustle of leaves made me jump in fear. I'm finally regretting choosing a house that's far from other houses.

Finally, after limping and running for quite some time, I spotted a house, I finally found a beacon of hope in this nightmare. With determination, I limped towards house, and each fucking step feels like an eternity.

As I reached the house, I rushed to the front door, pounding on it with all my strength. "Help! Please help!" My voice trembled with fear as my knuckles rapped against the wood. "Open up! Please!"

The door swung open, revealing a man who looked liked in his forties, shock was evident on his face. "Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" His voice carried concern. Of course he would be shock; I was fucking soaked in blood! He motioned me inside before swiftly closing the door.

A then woman appeared, her face etched with worry. "Call the police," she instructed the man, who wasted no time dialing 911. The woman guided me to the couch, wrapping her arms around me as I sobbed. "Who did this to you, dear?" Her voice was full of worry and compassion.

"G... Ghostface"

My words trembled in the air as darkness encroached on my vision. Soon, my consciousness slipped away, and everything went black.


Thank you for all the support y'all🤧. Godbless.

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