1| Meetings

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Sorry this took so long to get out to you guys, I hope you guys enjoy! Vote, and please please comment with your thoughts so far 😊 - Keiana

1 | Meetings

Challen Mitchell

I walked into the warm kitchen where my mother Thandie was cooking dinner. I looked at the time on my Rolex, daddy was still at work.

"Hey momma." I smiled as I walked up behind her and kissed her cheek gently. Even though she was almost fifty years old, she looked like she was in her late thirties.

I swear black didn't crack.

"Hey my love. I haven't seen you around here in a little bit." She turned down the stove and pulled me into her arms.

She was so dramatic. I hadn't been here since Friday, and today was Monday. She knew I was busy on weekends.

"Yeah, I spent the weekend with Matthew."

My mother cut her eye at me and let go of me. "I hate him."

I laughed. "You don't. I know you secretly love that you don't have to provide for me anymore."

She gasped. "I'd rather go broke providing for you than have you dealing with old white men."

"I don't deal with old white men mom. You know it's not like that."

We went through this almost every time I came back from spending time with Matthew.

She just thought it was so unnatural, paying someone for their time. I didn't. It meant you knew exactly what you wanted.

It also didn't help that Matthew was thirty seven, and I had just turned twenty two. He was closer to my mom's age than mine.

"He's just so old. What does he want with you?" She went back to focusing on her stew on the stove.

"My company. My time. My love. My body."

"That's enough Challen!" Her voice raised, making me laugh.

She hated talking about Matthew and I's relationship, but she loved it when I gave her a rack every other week though.

"I'm going upstairs. Let me know when dinner's ready." I told her as I walked out of the kitchen and to the stairs.

"Are you actually going to be staying the night with us?"

"Depends on how full I am after dinner!" I yelled so she could hear me as I reached the top stair.

I walked to my childhood bedroom, the room I'd been staying in until about a year ago, when Matthew came into my life.

It was so quick, everything happened so fast.

One night, I'd been at my dad's law firm, waiting for him to finish his last meeting so we could go home. I'd come over to make sure he wasn't working too hard, and was coming home at a reasonable time.

My father Warren was one of the top lawyers at his law firm, Mitchell and Co., and sometimes he got too lost in his work.

He was finishing a meeting with a big client, and his receptionist had told me to go to his office and wait for him in there.

I didn't mind, I sat at his desk like a good girl, and played on my iPhone until I heard the door open.

"Finally! Are you ready daddy?" I asked without looking up.

"Umm, I must be in the wrong office, excuse me." A white man who looked like he was in his middle thirties' with a perfectly tailored charcoal suit, and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen blushed and closed the door behind him.

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