Chapter 2: Sounds of Harmonic screams

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It is the time when the moon shines brightest, the time when the harmonic lantern fiesta is hosted. I heard only songs being sung, instruments being play and dances being performed. Clothings of various cultures sharing stories upon stories and veil fan dancers being the centre of attention to the people of Dovilia. It is but yet as always a magical sight to see.

"Collie!" I heard a voice calling my name, a tone similar to my dancing partner. She was ecstatic to perform Dovilia's traditional veil fan dance called the spiralling moon which is very popularised and known well amongst many other fan dancers. We talked a bit until our names were called to appear on stage. As we prepared our softly woven fan made of silk that shimmers under the night both my dancing partner and I traded each other's words of affirmation.

" You'll do great, collie!" She said enthusiastically to me
"let's give them a festival they won't forget" replying with the same determination

From above the stage, we stood on rows of beautifully carved wooden swans that can be seen from the floor side of the stage, lights shaped of fuchsia flowers were held by the people to lit the night. We danced to the rhythm of drums, setting waves of music into the peoples' ears. Cloud Cranes circles the sky. Lion dancers roar in fierceness and our veil fans follow the wind being the balance of harmony.
You could hear operas and storytellers' voices.

The final performances of our fan dance have yet to end, and with so, we threw our fans into the air, and they landed in one another's dancing partners' hands. It flew ever so gracefully into the air while loudness of harmonies played in the background. Until the end of our final stage performance, my fan dancing team switched places to where our fans were tossed before ending with an elegant bow accompanied by cloud cranes, opera singers, storytellers and the lions that danced above.

Finally, our performances have concluded, bringing applause to the moonlit night we stood. It was moments before it was time we released our dreaminess lanterns into the softly painted sky and with so the crew departed ways to meet up with friends and families who each had made a wish to their lanterns soon to be set off free and it'll fade away like pure ashes. I stood below the stage admiring the design of my latern for this ceremony, especially as an honor to be back in Dovilia after some time being apart. Though mine didn't shine a flame brighter than the ones that are crafted by the tree of clymitecal calamity, it's mine, and it has many implemented designs that represents the things I truly love.

"Come and release your lanterns! Continue with the prophecy from our dear tree for the blessings it has given us the opportunity to reach for gratitude of this beautifully birth festival" A familiar voice I hear, soft and gentle

I find myself following trails that will lead me to this voice but was blocked by many others. It was fine. at least I'll be able to finally set my very first lantern flying.

As they were released, I stood on top of my house roof to get a better view. As the people of Doviliases lanterns hold wishes, you could make out a sound from it, a symphony-like music played almost ambient.

It was truly a concert-worthy moment.

"Shine bright, my lovely lantern," as I release it last from everyone else. I watch it slowly disperse, joining the psyche above.

"So, what's your wish?"

I jumped overdramatically

"Luhune?" Calmed down a bit after seeing this mysterious or not so mysterious fella who was my dearest old friend!
"Hehe, yup,"
"WAAAAAHHHH, I MISSED YOU SOOO MUCHHH-" excitedly, I captured him into a securely strong hug. And then we both found ourselves lying down on the roof giggling.

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