Christmas - m.r. (hc)

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Mattheo never spent Christmas celebrating like you did

he'd much rather stay at Hogwarts if it wasn't for Draco who quite literally begged him to come home with him

he grew up with the Malfoys and of course, their house was decorated richly but it missed that kind of coziness sought on Christmas

large family dinners were a tradition at the Malfoy manor, much to his dismay

he absolutely HATED those dinners: the typical questions about his father, the fake friendliness towards him,... he had grown tired of it

all people did was act fake in front of him

most of the time he didn't even make it throughout the whole night and would usually get outside to smoke and be on his own

he needed that fresh air because large gatherings stressed him out more than he liked to admit

he'd watch the stars (you can't tell me this man isn't obsessed with astrology) and count all the shooting stars, wishing on someone to spend these holidays with

someone special, who'd make him believe in the Christmas spirit again

someone who'd avoid him becoming the Grinch before it would be too late

that someone would be you

you became friends in first year and have been friends ever since

you met on the Hogwarts Express, unaware of his dark background

ever since you've been best friends
sorted into Slytherin together

seated next to each other in classes

studying together

sneaking out at night

you did everything together, you were best friends since day one

your parents didn't agree with you being friends with the Dark Lord's son at first but had grown to be okay with it

because the way you talked about him made them believe he was the person you needed

because deep down they knew it wasn't a regular friendship, it was much more

though you both didn't want to admit to these feelings all those last seven years

during all those years of being friends, you never invited him over to your house during the breaks, that changed though when you heard he'd be spending his Christmas break alone at Hogwarts this year

how could he?

you couldn't leave him alone at the castle, right?

there was no way you'd let him celebrate Christmas on his own

so it was your idea to invite him over during the holidays

you begged your parents to let him stay over, which they eventually gave into

his first time being invited over by someone

it was a new feeling for him

it gave him this warm, fuzzy feeling... something he had never felt before but it felt nice

when he entered your home, Christmas felt warm for the first time in his life, totally forgetting how cold it felt at the Malfoy manor

it was like the lights shone brighter, warmer...

like the colors were more vibrant

it was inviting, he finally felt like he was supposed to be somewhere

you spent the typical Christmas Eve like always with your parents and now with Mattheo there too

it had always been you and your parents, just enjoying each other's company

you'd play boardgames, watch a movie, and eventually open the presents under the tree

he didn't expect to get anything but your parents made sure to buy him something, even if it was not much he was more than happy

he finally got gifts...

he always gave them but never received some in return
so this meant the world to him, your parents giving him something without even having have met him before that day

he got your parents some fancy cutlery and some Christmas ornaments

and you... he got you a necklace with his family emblem on it, having put a protective spell over it without your knowing

after the party came to an end, he'd take you outside to watch the stars with him

it was his first time sharing this passion for stargazing with someone, and it could only be you

when outside you'd enjoy each other's presence until you broke the silence

"I wanted to give you something..."

you'd hand him a long letter, sharing all the feelings you've kept to yourself for years now

you told him how you had grown to love him in another way than platonically and topped it off with a ring with snakes engraved into it

the ring was passed onto the sons of your family but since you were a daughter, it didn't get to be passed on for the very first time

you decided to give it to him since your father wanted to thank him for always protecting you the last few years

for making you happy

every holiday you came home with stories about the two of you, which caused your parents to love him too

he'd be completely flabbergasted, in shock with the emotions in your letter and the meaningful gift

after years he finally got the chance and dared to speak about his feelings for you, now sure they were definitely returned

you'd stay out all night cuddled up on the grass while looking at the stars, with no care in the world about possibly getting a cold

the only important thing was that you finally found each other again, however now in a way you'd have never expected

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