Treech, still clinging to consciousness despite the severity of his wounds, gazed at Vienna with pain and confusion on his face. "Why didn't you save me, Vienna? Why didn't you help?" His words carried a weight that pierced through Vienna's heart.

She had tears streaming down her face as she was overwhelmed with guilt. "I tried, Treech, I tried," she sobbed, her voice breaking under the weight of her confusion.

As Treech started to lose consciousness, Vienna's desperation intensified. "No, I can't lose both of you. You are all I have left," she pleaded as the boy in front of her slowly closed his eyes.

Retreating away from his body, Vienna glanced down at her hands to find Treech's blood stained on her fingers. The crimson evidence served as a reminder of the boy who lay in front of her.

Vienna, trembling uncontrollably, collapsed to the cold arena floor. Her eyes screwed shut as she brought her legs into her body, the blood on her hands hidden from the bright red color of her academy uniform.

In a desperate attempt to escape the haunting images etched in her mind, she rocked back and forth, as if it would take her out of a trance. The echos of Felix's unresponsive state and Treech's wounded form linger, tormenting her in this moment of profound vulnerability.

The weight of guilt, grief, and helplessness bore down on her, causing her to crumble under the emotional strain. In the dark and silent environment, Vienna was left to grapple with the vivid and harrowing image that had become an indelible part of her life as a Capitol elite.

Waking up at Lucky's house tended to be a peaceful event. Vienna would leave her room to find Lucky and his family waiting for her at the table. She would laugh and smile with her found family and forget about everything she had going on at home.

However, this wasn't the case; Vienna shot up from her bed, with the images from her sleep flooding her mind. Glancing down, Vienna saw her hands were clean of any blood, causing her to let out a sigh of relief.

Taking in her surroundings, she was still in her room at Lucky's. The neatly decorated room brought a sense of comfort that overrode any memories from the nightmare.

As she got ready for the day, Vienna prayed everything would go smoothly. Just like it was any other day, she wanted to have breakfast and head to school.
Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be a normal day. The hope for a routine breakfast and a simple trip to the academy felt elusive, overshadowed by the haunting echoes of the dreams that had intruded upon her night. On this specific morning, something else was waiting for Vienna—her parents.

As she walked to the living room, she spotted her parents sitting on the couch as they patiently waited for their daughter to come out. To say Vienna was surprised was an understatement; she was absolutely shocked. In all the years and all the fights, not once have her parents made the effort to see her.

Vienna didn't know what to expect—maybe they were there to apologize or even rekindle their relationship. The air in the room felt heavy with anticipation as Vienna cautiously approached her parents.

As she neared them, Vienna couldn't shake the hope that maybe, just maybe, this visit meant a genuine change in their relationship. The thought of her parents showing up at Lucky's house was unprecedented, and a flicker of optimism ignited within her.

Her mother smiled warmly, a gesture that terrified Vienna from the lack of its occurrence. "Vienna, dear, we wanted to talk to you. Sit down."

At her mother's order, Vienna took a seat across from them, her expression clouded with caution and hope. Her parents exchanged glances, and her father began, "Vienna, Dr. Gaul informed us of the events that took place in the arena last night. It made us realize how little we know about your part in the games."

Vienna couldn't deny the tug at her heartstrings and the desire for a genuine connection with her parents—one where she is able to tell them everything about her life and feelings. The vulnerability in their eyes and the seemingly earnest apologies fueled her hope that perhaps this visit was a sincere effort to mend the strained bonds.

"We've decided to watch the games in the auditorium. We'll be there to make sure you win," her father stated, revealing a calculated intent that shattered the little hope Vienna had allowed herself to feel.

Chiming in, her mother stared into Vienna's eyes. "If you are going to stick by these losing tributes, the most you can do is make sure you don't lose by their side."

There it was—their true motive behind their visit. Vienna's heart sank as the truth unfolded. Their visit was never about reconciliation or love; it was just another strategic move to ensure she kept up her reputation. The realization left her feeling betrayed and manipulated; the hopes she had harbored were swiftly replaced by a bitter understanding of who her parents were.

Vienna's composure masked the storm of emotions within her as she addressed her parents. "Of course. Mother, father, should we get going?" Her voice, though calm, held an underlying tension that hinted at the turmoil beneath the surface.

As she stood, Vienna grappled with the desire to unleash her pent-up frustration. The disappointment, the betrayal—she wanted them to feel the weight of her wrath; she wanted to rage at them for the years of pain and suffering they caused.

Yet a harsh reality set in. It was her fault for setting such expectations from her parents. They have only consistently belittled her and shown little regard for her well-being. How could she ever think the Hawthorne's would actually care for their only daughter—their only heir?

With a heavy heart, Vienna left with her parents to the auditorium, where she would be under even more pressure. Their expectations and manipulative motives clung to her, casting a shadow over what should have been support and encouragement.

haiiii sweethearts!!!!

I wrote this late last night so if it doesn't make
much sense i apologize!
im lowkey proud of myself with
this one tbh, idk why!
i just loved the concept of it, even if there
was a lack of Treech!
omg i love reading everyone's comments,
i might not always respond but,
i see them i promise!
continue to vote and comment!!
stay safe, ily🦋

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