Ch 3 (Other Teams)

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Izuku merely looked at the man in front of him before looking back at his clipboard.

Izuku: "Morning."

He then started to walk passed the team before the ash blonde from earlier stood in front of him. This was Katsuki Bakugo, a fool playing solider.

Bakugo: "I'm not done with you yet!"

The scream was met with nothing in response.

Izuku: "Yes, you are. We have to do rounds on the SCP, like usual. You're actively deterring the successful operations of this facility. Now move aside and allow procedures to continue as planned."

Bakugo's face contorted in anger before he looked down on Izuku and firmly planted his boots.

Bakugo: "You dare talk to your superior like that?!"

One of the soldiers with red hair in Bakugo's team tapped him on the shoulder. This was Ejirou Kirishima, Team Nitro's head soldier.

Kirishima: "Dude, shut up. You don't know his rank and he's right about the procedures. Do you really want to risk getting executed by command?"

A grumble was Bakugo's response and his stance softened. Izuku then motioned for his team to pass through, which they did. As they were leaving, Izuku looked at Team Nitro before going up to a pink haired woman behind everyone named Mina Ashido.

Izuku: "Have your team make preparations. You leader's ego will be his downfall and it might be yours as well if you aren't careful. A word from a wise man."

Having said everything he needed to, Izuku left the group behind and met up with his squad. Iida looked at his leader and asked a question.

Iida: "Sir, why do you allow this behavior to continue? I know you've already given your answer but this is getting out of hand."

Izuku looked up from his clipboard before sighing.

Izuku: "He's moronic, stupid, negligent, and dangerous. Those are the reasons he's staying. When he inevitably makes a foolish decision that kills his whole team and himself, he'll be a prime example of what not to do. A dead memory of how wrong everyone else is. Once he perishes, I'll be there to monitor his death. Basically, he's a fool that's only useful as a warning to others about following procedure."

While harsh, Izuku's words were founded in truth. That man's ego would inevitably be his death. All humans have the inevitable consequences of their mentality and instincts. A greed to acquire more for a better chance of life, an envy for those that have what we desire, a wrath for those who pose a threat to us or our beliefs. All of these are woven into our being as humans. Though not all of our instincts are bad. There's curiosity that pushes us to understand what many claim incomprehensible, there's ambition that pushes us towards our goals, but most importantly, there's self-doubt. Self-doubt prevents the ego from blossoming into a flower with a thin stem. What's that mean? It simply means that an inflated ego is made to snap and fall hard. A beautiful blossom killed by it's own weak roots. It's imperative for every human to balance self-doubt and belief in one's self to create a healthy mind. Katsuki Bakugo lacks this balance. He believes himself to be the greatest while in a literal facility of death. A flower so close to toppling you can almost hear the stem bending. The group were almost at their next room when a new feminine voice cut them off.

???: "Oh, hey Midoriya."

The group turned to see a woman with brunette hair in a bowl cut. The woman's hair covered one of her eyes, which also happened to be brown. She was on the shorter side with a white lab coat and red pollo shirt. This was Kinoko Komori, leader of Team Iron. This team was named as such because of her guards. The first was a muscular 6'7" man of Mexican decent named Koji Koda. While he was often tame and docile he could very easily snap a human neck like paper. Then next was Tetsutetsu Tetsutestsu. Aside from his repeating name the most obvious feature was a deep scar across his face. He received this scar after getting into a machete fight with another soldier he disagreed with. Then finally was Ibara Shiozaki, a holy woman who quite often would cave people's heads in with a metal plated bible. The reason this team was named iron is because they tended to be the most combat efficient. Even Katsuki Bakugo refuses to go near them. However, Team Iron also has two D-Class of their own. One is Saiko Intelli, a woman caught selling information to the Chinese government and charged with treason. She ended up slipping information to an undercover Japanese official and got caught. Then lastly was Himiko Toga. She was a serial kidnapper and murderer that was also suspected of necrophilia and cannibalism. The last two charges couldn't get enough evidence behind them for a true conviction. Point being made, don't fuck with Team Iron.

Izuku: "Good Morning, Komori-San."

Komori: "So, what're you guys up to?"

Izuku: "We're trying to complete our tasks for today on this wing of the facility. I recommend you continuing as well considering it's a fairly large wing."

Komori: "Oh, maybe we could work together! Two teams will get it done faster than one."

Izuku: "I agree that more hands tend to mean faster work, but we're assigned to different specimen. While I wouldn't mind the company, I think it's best we have our own groups do our own tasks."

In the background of this conversation stood Kaminari talking to Todoroki and Monoma. The modern age super villain going first.

Kaminari: "She's head over heels for him. Look at the posture, the overexposed stance, the edging ever closer movements. I mean, come on."

Monoma: "I really think he should make a move."

Todoroki: "No, he should not. Did you see how her guards all tensed up as she asked Midoriya to work together? They don't trust him, which is understandable given that they don't know him.

Kaminari: "Well crap, maybe we can set up a lunch date for the two?"

Todoroki: "We don't eat lunch in the cafeteria or break room."

Monoma: "Man, you just love cock blocking other's today."

Their mini-conversation was taking enough time that Izuku and Komori had decided to split ways after exchanging formalities. Iida noticed his leader's hand motioning them to follow and promptly helped get everyone moving once more. The group was walking away as Komori looked back at them. She smiled a little before chuckling at the group's antics.

We Have the FacilitiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora