Ch 1 (Welcome)

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The story starts off with an eighteen year old boy who possesses a slim, yet muscular, body walking towards a prison cell. His black clothing was broken up by the white lab coat on his shoulders. His green hair was bushy and his green eyes carried an aura of authority. This is Izuku Midoriya, the head researcher and head of operations in a separate layer of the SCP foundation, specifically their Yokai Branch. He chooses not to reveal this to most within the facility due to potentially violent reactions, but his title is hardly why he's here today. He then took his baton and banged on a cell.

Izuku: "M1N, M0N, 1DA, R0K, and D3N. Ready up, we have a busy day today."

Now, who was Izuku addressing here? That would be his own little suicide squad of death row inmates, otherwise known as D-Class Personnel. Though in terms of Izuku's team they were known as Team Crook. You see, Izuku might not like to reveal his authority to those likely to stay around, but death row inmates ready for termination can't say anything without getting their heads exploded by a microchip. As for those who make up the team, there's Minoru Mineta, a serial rapist with over fifteen women and ten men defiled. His small size makes him effective in tight places, a necessary skill. Next is Neito Monoma, a serial killer with thirty two confirmed kills. All victims had a near perfect silicone recreation of their face instead of their actual face. His skills in quick thinking and ability to mimic the actions of those around him come in handy. After him is Tenya Iida, a known vigilante that went on a killing streak. He annihilated three criminal gangs in the span of a month before his capture. This sudden decent into madness was because of his family's death. Nevertheless, his incredible marksmanship and ability to make nearly anything a weapon was a welcomed addition.

Next up is Shoto Todoroki, a serial arsonist. Also one Izuku has had extensive time talking with. The result of rape, Shoto was outcast by his family the moment he was born. His isolation left him felling empty until he quite literally found a spark. His first time viewing fire, in the form of a lit candle, showed him a mesmerizing and welcoming visage of heat. Since that day he would always light small fires in his room to feel the overwhelming warmth. It got to the point that he viewed every flame as a part of his family. He even accidentally burned himself a few times while attempting to show affection towards this quote on quote family. When he was sixteen he saw his sister blow out a candle, which was the equivalent of her killing his family from Shoto's own twisted perspective. His red hair turned partially white from the stress of this experience. He snapped and ended up killing her with a steak knife. Deciding to let his family experience the revenge he got for them, he relit the candle and caught the entire living area on fire using cooking oil. All but two of his non-incarcerated biological family perished in the fire. His oldest brother and himself being the only survivors. He was captured shortly after after burning two more homes and still has the candle he claimed to revive. The wax is in a metal casing that allows it to reform once it cools. This is coupled with a package of long wicks he was granted permission to have. His knowledge on pyrotechnics comes in extremely handy during dangerous situations.

Lastly, we have Denki Kaminari. Known as 'The Crossed Wire', Denki was the closest equivalent to a super villain you could get without involving the supernatural. His immense knowledge on electrical wiring allowed him to discretely and effectively cause an electrical fire in over eight hundred homes within the span of four years. It might sound absurd, but he was more effective than anyone could ever know. He worked at a supermarket stocking shelves, his attacks had no pattern, and any evidence was burned along with the homes. It also wasn't hard too believe that these electrical fires just happened due to faulty wires or some animal chewing on the wires, which made it almost impossible to know what was the result of tampering and what was coincidence. It wasn't until he was pulled over for speeding that the police found a pair of twin jumper cables with tally marks marked in red and black marker. There was exactly two hundred tally marks on each clamp. One hundred on the top, and another hundred on the bottom. With four clamps total, his tallying revealed eight hundred on the dot. He later admitted that he was speeding to go obtain a third jumper cable, meaning his real number is likely eight hundred one homes. After a minimal amount of digging he was revealed as the one who caused all those fires. It turns out that he had a history of tampering with wires and electronics that dated back to his early life. His kill count is three hundred fifty one people, two hundred eleven cats, two hundred seven dogs, and one illegally owned raccoon. The skills used during his rein of terror made Izuku more than happy to add him onto the team. Now that you know about the team, let's see them all lined up.

Izuku: "Alright, today we have to do rounds on the upper right wing of the facility."

Denki: "Yes, we get to see Dave again!"

Izuku: "Remember what I told you all before."

D-Class Personnel: "We can be replaced if we step out of place."

Izuku: "Good, now let's get going. We don't have all day to do this."

Iida: "Excuse me for asking sir, but why are you here today? Didn't you say that you'd be taking today off."

Izuku: "I might've said that but that doesn't mean I'll actually do it. Vacations are a poorly told joke when you work here."

Monoma: "You know, I kind of feel that on a spiritual level."

Todoroki: "Yes, I too agree that rest isn't fitting of those around here.

Izuku: "There are two possible teams we might run into during our rounds. Team Iron and Team Nitro. Remember to stay in line so you remain under my protection."

Iida: "Sir, can I ask why you would willingly work around the same area as Team Nitro?"

Mineta: "Yeah, no offense if you like them but their leader's a dick."

Izuku: "While he's overconfident and egotistical, I don't have to care. His attitude will get him killed soon enough."

Denki: "Hmm, really?"

Izuku: "He likes to flaunt his rank even though he's telling a fabrication. His rank was promoted to rank three after the rest of his academy class failed examination. In short, he got lucky, and that was immediately remedied once he arrived on facility. He's the lowest ranked official here and he doesn't know how anything works. When I do inevitably take a day off it'll only be to see how effective these teams are at their job. I expect the entire facility to have a near hundred percent kill rate for everyone present once Katsuki Bakugo lets his ego take over decision making."

Todoroki: "Will that be our time to die."

Izuku: "No, not in the slightest. The sad truth is that you've proven more useful than eighty percent of the other staff members. In the event of a mass breakout without me present, your team will have an efficient and secret way to exit the facility. Your trackers will let me know if you go off course, and if you do, you die."

Iida: "What would happen if you're present?"

Izuku: "I'll grant you all access to any weapons you desire and set you loose onto the facility. Quite honestly, I've already allowed you access to weapons like tasers and batons in the event of an emergency."

Denki: "Damn, I didn't know we were that good at this."

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