27. Are they mine? |pt. 1|

Start from the beginning

"You knew that I didn't want kids though Kanala," he frustratedly yelled, "you can't force that on me,"

He didn't mean to yell at her or make her break out into a sob how she'd done, "I'm sorry," he pulled her into him, "stop crying baby,"

She only sobbed into his chest, "is it me?" she looked up to him with wet eyes, "you just don't want me to bare your children?"

"It's not you," he told her truthfully—attempting to wipe her eyes, "I'm just not ready for children,"

Nala chuckled, "well—I am, and like you said I can't force you, you can't force me not to have any,"

He looked to her, "how can we meet in the middle about this? I don't want this to hinder us, what about Orion? Is he ready for another kid?"

"You don't want a kid that bad that you'd let someone else get me pregnant?" She stood, "are you serious? I want kids, but I want them with you, wow," more tears spilled from her eyes, "just get out Kasim,"

Kasim was now confused, "you asked me to compromise—what the fuck you tripping for? You want a kid, I put your needs before mine and accepted that," he stood too, "do I want you to bare another niggas child? No! But, being I can't be selfish knowing that you want a child, and if any other nigga was to get you pregnant I'll rather it be him, someone you're close with and that I know will never step out of y'all's child life no matter what, your child deserves a good father—I just don't think I'll be that," he explained.

"You'll be the best thing that has ever happened to a child though," she grabbed his hands, "why don't you see that?"

He looked away from her, "I don't want to be like them," he admitted.

"I know you have a dark past—that you still won't tell us about—but, that doesn't define you daddy, look at how you are with all the kids around us? You're such a family man and you can't see that, it's why I want a kid with you, how you are as man. How you interact with kids, it does something to me...I'm not asking to have any today, I just want you to atleast consider the possibility of having one,"

Kasim looked to her, his biggest fear was turning out to be a parent like his. Granted he and Layla had worked on their relationship but he couldn't pretend that his past didn't happen, he never wanted to father kids and fuck them up how his parents had done him. Especially his own father, he had heard all of his life how he and his father were just alike and he'd be damned if he had child and was anything like him, he couldn't risk that so, he rather not have children.

However, it was breaking his heart to see Nala so hurt. She never asked them for anything—nor complained about things, and the one thing she was passionate about he was ripping it away from her? It was selfish, he knew that but he was deeply traumatized by his childhood and he hadn't even noticed.

"I'm just asking you to really think about it, I don't need an answer now. Not even next month, just please think it over and then we can go from there, if you feel you've thought about it and still don't want any then I'll take that," she wiped underneath her eyes, "I'm not opposed to having Orions child, I would just love to have one with you," she sniffled.

Kasim nodded and sighed, "I'll think on it, I promise, just give me a little time sweet baby,"

She smiled and hugged him, "thank you—that's all I ask,"

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