Yoriichi: Hold on I am going to get something to stop the bleeding.

The girl moved her eye. Yoriichi understood the gesture.

???: Once I get out you're-

Yoriichi raised an eyebrow.

Yoriichi: You're still alive?

???: Of course! Something like this-

Suddenly the thing's head separates from its shoulders falling to the ground.

Yoriichi: You talk too much.

Yoriichi pulled out the Kitetsu and the body fell to the ground. Seeing the thing wearing clothes, Yoriichi got an idea. The girl opened her eyes as she felt a warm hand under her head, it gently lifted her head up. She saw the redhead from before.

Yoriichi: Don't move.

Yoriichi pressed a cloth against her empty eye socket. The cloth began absorbing the blood.

Yoriichi: You must be thirsty. I found this nearby. I made sure it was water. Can you move your mouth?

He placed her head in his lap and used his free hand to show her the water bottle. The girl slightly opened her mouth and Yoriichi gently placed the mouth of the bottle on her lips. He slowly raised the bottle to help her drink. Suddenly the girl coughed as she choked on the water. Yoriichi was quick to pull the water bottle back.

Yoriichi:'Damn it' It ok. It's ok. Just try to breathe.

The girl did that to try to calm down. Yoriichi sighed.

Yoriichi: Hey. Don't move. Just try to focus on drinking ok?

Yoriichi brought the bottle to his lips and stored a bit in his mouth. The girl was taken by surprise but she felt water slowly entering her mouth. Now understanding his words she slowly drank the water. Having the water helped her greatly. Yoriichi pulled back and the girl took a deep breath in. She blushed hard have being kissed for the first time. However, no longer having a dry throat was far better now.

???: Th-Thank you.

Yoriichi: Save your energy. Do have someone you can contact?

The girl shook her head. 

???: Are you two ok!?

They heard a voice from behind them. Yoriichi looked at where the question came from. The person jogged forward. She was in a red suit, the girl was tall, she was shorter than him but taller than the girl he held in his arms. She had blond hair and chalk-white skin with red eyes and a light yellow sclera with a red dot on each of her cheeks.

???: Stay back!

The girl stopped. The injured girl gained a surprised look from Yoriichi and the girl. 

Yoriichi: Hey. I told you to save your energy. If trouble pops up, I'll handle it.

???: Sorry.

The girl quiets down and Yoriichi looks at the one wearing a suit. He inspected her with his transparent world. She had no weapons on her, there was no smell of steel or anything that could be a weapon. There were only three heartbeats in the alley.

Yoriichi: Ok she's clean.

The girl in his arms raised an eyebrow but he ignored it.

Yoriichi: Ok. You can come closer.

???: Oh my goodness! You guys are the only ones that I found alive till now!

The girl ran towards the pair. She quickly got to her knees and gasped at the girl in Yoriichi's arms.

The Child Of The Starحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن