Newtopian Takeover

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The Next Day arrived, the sun rising over the horizon as all of Amphibia awoke, The Planter's house was quite, Anne and Marcy, sleeping in Anne's bed, holding each other in their arms, sleeping soundly and comfortable and safe with each other.

Marcy woke up, she sits up and rubs her eye, she saw it was morning, she smiles, knowing what day it was. Marcy looks down at Anne, who is sleeping soundly with her arm around her waist, Marcy then frowns, she feels terrible for what's going to happen today.

She smiles, knowing that Anne could never get mad at her for a simple mistake, she then gently shakes Anne awake. "Anne... Wake up..." Marcy said quietly. Anne then groans awake and saw Marcy. "Mar-Mar... Go back to bed... It's too early..." Anne groaned.

Marcy giggles a little. "Anne... C'mon! Don't you want to go home?" Marcy asked. Anne then grabs Marcy and pulls her back into her embrace. "Good back to sleep..." Anne groaned again. Marcy simply laughed and kisses Anne.

"Anne... C'mon... We have to go home... We can lay down on your bed if you want..." Marcy said. Anne held Marcy much tighter and spoke. "I would much rather lay in this bed... With you in my arms, Mar-Mar." Anne said.

Marcy's eyes widen as she blushes, Anne placed a kiss on Marcy's forehead. "Let's just sleep in for a while." Anne said. Anne falls asleep again, but Marcy isn't tired, she then smiles and then started to tickle Anne on her tickle spots.

Anne started giggling, Marcy smiles and kept going. "C'mon, Anne! We gotta go home." Marcy said while tickling Anne. Anne was laughing nonstop before she spoke. "Okay! Fine! Just stop! Please!" Anne begged. Marcy stops and the two get dressed.

Anne garbs her backpack and she and Marcy head upstairs, The Planters, Frobo, Grime and Sasha were up as well and they all grouped up. "Okay, Guys! Ready?" Anne asked. Everyone looked at each other and nodded their heads.

Anne smiles and holds Marcy's hand. "Then let's go." Anne said. They all started walking into Wartwood, where everyone was gathered around, they all cheered for them as they'll honor them with their lives, they rooted for them as they exited Wartwood.

Anne turned her head and waved goodbye to her friends, they all went on Joe Sparrow and flew to Newtopia. Marcy rested her head on Anne's shoulder as the journey will take a while. Marcy then falls asleep and has dreams of her past.

Marcy was at the library, studying for a test. Marcy then heard her phone buzzing as she looks down at it, reminding her it was Anne's Birthday. "Anne's Birthday! I almost forgot!" Marcy said as she got up from her chair and started packing up to go meet with Sasha and... Anne...

Marcy didn't get a gift for Anne, she was studying so much, she didn't get a gift for her. While Marcy was packing, The Librarian walked past her, dropping a book beside her. Marcy saw this and called out to the lady.

"Excuse me! Ma'am! You dropped you're book?" Marcy said as she saw the name 'Dr. P' on it. Marcy opened the book and read through the pages as she came to one which caught her eyes. "Whoa! Calamity Box? Travel to other worlds?" Marcy said in confusion and shock.

"Ha! Other classy stuff! Cool artwork though!" Marcy said as she took a picture of the box. Marcy then gets a message from her dad, saying she needs to come home to talk. "Oh! Wonder what this is all about? Maybe I should head home before meeting up with the girls." Marcy said.

Marcy then put the book down and left The Library, she walked down the sidewalk and sighed. "What am I going to do? These feelings for Anne just came out if knowhere! What am I going to tell her?" Marcy asked herself.

Marcy was too embarrassed to ask Anne out, maybe she'll ask her out today, it was Anne's birthday. Marcy smiles at the thought of asking Anne out, Marcy saw how much Sasha wanted to ask Anne out, she's been wiping off Anne's face.

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