Anne's New Love

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After the battle of the bands, Grime ended up winning the contest, leaving Anne, Marcy and Sasha shocked. "Sorry we lost, Sash." Marcy said while feeling bad about losing. "Y'know! As much as it pains me to lose, it was worth it spending time with you three... Sorry I was late." Sasha said while apologizing.

"Hey! No problem!" Anne said. The three sat in silence until Mayor Toadstool spoke. "Alright folks! Gather around! I have one more announcement!" Mayor Toadstool said. Anne, Marcy and Sasha then came back out and stood over everyone.

"Now! As I understand it, you three girls will be leaving us soon." Mayor Toadstool said. "Yep! With the box charged, we'll be going to Newtopia tomorrow so The King can send us home." Anne said. She then looked at everyone, tears in her eyes with a bright smile on her face.

"Everyone! You've done so much for me... And I'll miss you all then you ever know it." Anne said. "Aw, shucks!" Mrs. Croaker said as Loggle then blew his nose. "Hey! Before I go, can we take a group photo?" Anne asked.

"Heck yeah! Everyone line up!" Mayor Toadstool said. Everyone gathered around The Town Statue. "Sprig! Hurry!" Anne shouted. Sprig then came in as the photo took, everyone smiles as they all cheered for the girls.

They all then went home and left only Anne, Marcy, Sasha, The Planters, Frobo and Grime. Anne then grabbed her phone off the stand, Anne smiled at the photo, she's really going to miss everyone of Wartwood and Amphibia.

Anne then turns to Sasha and spoke. "Hey, Sasha?" Anne said as she then approached Sasha. Sasha looked at Anne and smiled. "Yeah, Anne?" Sasha said. Anne rubbed the back of her neck and spoke. "Thanks for singing with us... You really changed for the better." Anne said.

Anne then hugged Sasha tightly. "Thanks..." Anne said. Sasha blushes and smiled. "No problem! I'm always there for you two." Sasha said. Marcy saw this and frowned, she saw how close Anne and Sasha are now, but that was a good thing... Right?

Marcy saw the blush on Sasha's face, her stomach twists and turns, she felt... Hurt... She didn't know why, she feels sad and upset, Sasha then turns her attention to Marcy, who turns her head around as tears streamed down Marcy's face.

Sasha frowned, why is Marcy so sad all of a sudden, she then spoke to herself in her head. "What's wrong with Marcy? Is she okay? Did... I do something wrong?" Sasha asked herself. Sasha then turns her attention to Anne and smiled.

"Sasha! Let's go! We need to rest! Tomorrow is a big day!" Grime shouted. Sasha then turns her head and frowned, she turns back and then walked off. "Goodnight, girls." Sasha said in a depressed tone. "Goodnight, Sasha!" Anne said with a bright smile.

"Night, Sasha..." Marcy said in a sad tone. Anne then held Marcy's hand and they along with The Planters and Frobo went back to The Planter's house. Anne was concerned what was wrong with Sasha, she sounded a little sad there.

"Hey, Mar-Mar?" Anne said. Marcy turns her head and looks at her friend. "Yeah, Anne?" Marcy said. Anne frowns and sighed. "Sasha sounded a little sad... Do you think she's upset at something?" Anne asked while sounding worried about Sasha.

Marcy's eyes widen and spoke. "She's probably tired after the battle, she probably needs rest... Like we do... I honestly wished I could just crawl in a bed with someone and just... Hug them and love them..." Marcy said when she's talking about some she secretly loves.

Anne sighed, she was hoping Sasha was okay. She's glad Sasha has changed... But she looks and sounds sad... Unbeknownst to Anne, Polly listened to what Anne and Marcy were saying and saw Marcy's expression. "Oh boy, girl! I didn't know how dumb you were." Polly said.

Sasha was with Grime in there gest room, Sasha was in her pajamas while she was sad about doing what she and Grime are going to do tomorrow. Grime walked in in his pajamas and robe and saw Sasha's expression.

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