"Just know that I won't let it happen again, take the rest of the day off."-Cain

"Got it"-Germaine

I got in my car and just sat there for a while, I told Germaine to send Jerome's body to the morgue and make sure nobody saw him do it. Put out a story about him getting killed for attacking a woman and have a paid actor talk to the news about it so my business could be the last thing people were worried about. Technically it was true he got killed for whatever he did to Olivia, I even made sure her fingerprints were cleaned off the glass and my cleaner put the glass back in the way it was without tampering with it. I must really got some love for her if I'm going out of my way to keep her record clean. Nah that can't be it. This is just an arrangement nothing else. I finally got out of my head, drove back to the condos and went back to my place. Kyra walked into the living room with my t-shirt on.

"Good morning"-She said smiling

"Morning"-I said a little annoyed

"What's wrong now?"-Kyra said concerned

"Nothing it's all good. Make some breakfast"-I demanded

"Why do you have to be so demanding?"-Kyra

"Why do you have to do stupid shit if we asking questions?"-I said hitting the wall near her head

"I don't know what you mean and you said you wouldn't be violent anymore"-Kyra

"I wouldn't have to be if you just fucking chill and be behind the scenes like you supposed to be but you so hell bent and obsessed with my wife that you can't be the good little side chick you've always been."-I said irritated

"I wouldn't be the side chick if you never fucking met her in the first place and you could've just let her stupid ass father pay off his debt another way. I don't know why I even bother with your stupid ass when you will never love me or treat me the way you do her. I do stupid shit because I'm in love with you and I don't want you with nobody else. Besides Jerome has her now."-Kyra

"You do know your stupid shit got your brother killed by the same woman you letting all your anger out on? I will never love you Kyra and that's a fact because you're a psycho, obsessive, manipulative bitch who thinks the world stops for her. At one point I probably had some sympathy for you but that was short lived and you can't give me nothing but pussy."-Cain

"What? You're lying."-She said shaking

"Check the news baby girl"-I said smirking

"Top news this morning Jerome Williams, half owner of Uncharted Entertainment was killed two days ago by a woman who claimed he tried to sexually assault her. She also stated that she tried to get away from him and she picked up a piece of glass to protect herself then stabbed him in the eye. This is the same Jerome Williams who was locked up on unknown charges but escaped from custody."-Reporter

"What the fuck? I knew I should've"-Kyra

"You shouldn't have what?"-Cain

"Nothing"-She said panicking

"Don't get quiet now, where the fuck is she?"-I said pushing her up against the wall

"I don't know, I don't know honestly. I told him to keep an eye on her until I got back. She's probably back in Mr RNB arms again and you should be more concerned about our family."-Kyra

"We will never have a family Kyra"-I said scaring her

"Oh but we will because I'm pregnant, I found out you have been putting birth control pills in my food and drinks so I hid your whole stash and that night we had in Tulum, Cancun I poked holes in the condom. So let's plan our future Tyrese."-She said smirking

"Bitch you're fucking delusional if you think I'm going let you have my baby."-I said grabbing her by the throat

"Stop your hurting me"-She said choking

"So that's the point"-Cain

"Okay, okay I'll get rid of it"-She said in between breath

"Good girl, get dressed I'm taking you there myself."-I said dropping her

"I hate you"-She said crying

"Same here and next time you call me that name again I won't let up"-I said sitting on the couch

She got up and ran into the bathroom, I heard her crying loud but I didn't care one bit. Now was not the time for me to bring a baby into this world and especially not with a mental patient. I waited until she finally got herself together and we went to my clinic I put money into so we could be discreet then be out of there in no time.

"You can't come back here"-A new pretty employee said

"It's okay Tiffany he's the owner of this clinic and he's only making sure this one goes through with the procedure."-Pamela

"Oh sorry"-Tiffany said shyly

"It's all good, Tiffany right?"-I said admiring her


"You must be new here because I haven't seen a face like yours before"-Cain

"I am I just started two months ago"-Tiffany said blushing

"Hope you're doing a good job here"-Cain

"She definitely is, she a pleasure to work with."-Pamela

"Really? I can't believe you"-Kyra said annoyed

"Keep your mouth shut this has nothing to do with you. Pam strap her down and make sure the procedure goes through. Tiffany come with me right quick."-I said before I walked out with Tiffany

"Will do boss"-Pamela

"So Tiffany tell me about yourself"-Cain

"I'm 31, no kids, have a bachelor's degree in Business, master's degree in nursing, my own hair salon two blocks from here."-Tiffany said smiling

"You have a beautiful smile and I'm impressed. Let me take you out to dinner tonight."-Cain

"Isn't that against the rules of employee, employer agreement?"-Tiffany

"Not at all, it's my appreciation for helping Pamela out when things are hectic"-Cain

"Okay here's my number call me"-Tiffany said smiling

"I definitely will"-Cain

"See you later"-Tiffany said smiling

"Hey boss it's done she's recovering from anesthesia, do you need anything else?"-Pamela

"What's up with Tiffany?"-Cain

"She doesn't have a boyfriend and she just moved here 4 months ago. My advice don't get too involved with her she's a sweet girl but I can't stop you. You do need to let go of this psycho bitch you're constantly bringing here and she needs to take her pills."-Pamela said before walking away

"Yeah boss"-Germaine

"Keep an eye on Kyra and don't let her out of your sight"-Cain

"Got it"-Germaine

I do need to let go of Kyra psycho ass but I don't trust no women like that after they find out I'm a billionaire and want to be a gold digging bitch. So I keep her close when I need to get my nut out but let's see how it goes with Tiffany tonight. 

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