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Born to be the Villainess

The rich sound of organ music spread through the air. On both sides of the church aisle, guests dressed in their finest ceremonial attire filled the seats. An air of solemn dignity hung over the hall. However, it was a hollow feeling as the joy and bustle of a happy wedding day was conspicuously absent.

This feels more like a funeral than a wedding. The thought raced through her head as she peeked out. The crowd of wedding guests was thick with dark expressions and the low mummer of gossip.

Just keep a serene look on your face. She reminded herself, Even if you're the only one doing it.

"Estella Ridgehoff, please enter." the dull voice of the officiant priest called down the aisle.

Now that it was time for her to walk down the aisle of this pantomime of a wedding, she wondered if she could actually stand next to the man who would ultimately kill her. Her steps seem to come as if from an outside force upon her body. She felt herself kick out the hem of her dress so as not to trip herself before she sedately began her walk down the aisle. It wasn't the bottom of the dress that most worried her. Upon trying on the garment she had found that the bust line was so low she worried that she might end up having a wardrobe malfunction. True, her breasts were worthy of praise, but to bear them in such a vulgar fashion at her own wedding seemed out of place with the splendor and formality of the ceremony. As she walked down the aisle to stand beside the man who would soon be her husband, she could feel a wave of negative emotions from the guests. Contempt, hate, disgust, and even lust radiated towards her from the assembled crowd.

Reaching the raised dais and stepping up beside the man who would one day end her life with his sword, she strangely felt a small sense of relief.

Well, at least I didn't fall and everything has stayed in place so far.

She dared a quick glance at the man beside her. His stony gaze and rigid posture did nothing to hide his feelings about this moment. To him, this whole marriage must seem like a punishment, torture to be endured for some unknown wrongdoing.

The priest began his sermon in the same monotonous tone he had used to call her in. The hollow words floated around her, seeming out of place in the funeral-like atmosphere.

"... may you be blessed by all here and under heaven, as we bear witness to this happy family created here today. You will now seal your union with the exchange of rings."

There will be no "happy" or "family" in this marriage. She thought bitterly to herself, How could there be when I was born to be the villainess?


lasted edited 2/21/2024 for minor style changes

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