Olivia's phone buzzed on her nightstand, breaking the pity party she was having within herself. She sat up from her bed, grabbing her pink Nokia and looking at the small screen. A text from Elias, one of her best friends, popped up with an invitation to meet him at The Brew. Olivia slid the outer part of the phone up, revealing the keypad. She quickly ran her thumbs over the letters, typing out a reply. "Sorry, just got into a fight with Hanna. Can we meet later," she hummed to herself as she typed.

     Elias responded almost as quickly as Olivia sent the message, wondering what had happened and agreeing to meet later on. Olivia closed her phone, deciding to leave the conversation at that and going to find her sister. She left her room and jogged down the stairs, hearing the voice of her mother. "Hey mom! How was work?"

     Ashley quickly said her goodbyes to whoever was on the phone and set it down on the counter. "Hi honey. It was alright. How was your day?"

     "Very slow. My last class ran a bit later than usual," she hummed, leaning on the island next to her mom. There was a plate of vegetables on the counter and Olivia reached out, grabbing a carrot and taking a bite out of it. "Well, that's college," Ashley said with a chuckle. Olivia nodded in agreement, finishing off the carrot in her hand. "Hey, have you seen Han? We kind of got into an argument and she stormed off."

     "About?" Ashley turned, placing the now empty plate into the sink. Olivia watched her, trailing her finger along the countertop. "Well, I agreed with you guys," Olivia paused, "about them going to see Dr. Sullivan." Ashley nodded, turning to look at her daughter. "Well, you obviously know how your sister feels about that," Ashley stated in an exasperated tone, grabbing a towel and cleaning her hands with it.

     "I feel terrible for making her upset, but I don't think she realizes this will be a good thing for her," Hanna mumbled, clearly diving into her love for the social sciences. Ashley hummed in agreement. "As to where she is. They have their first meeting with Dr. Sullivan today, and I pray that she shows up."

     "Yeah, me too," Olivia sighed, standing up and grabbing her phone from her back pocket. She opened the text message from Elias, quickly responding that she would tell him in a few minutes when they meet at The Brew. "Well, Eli asked if I would meet him at The Brew, so I am gonna go meet him," Olivia hummed, looking up at her mom.

     "Okay honey, tell him I say hi. I love you."

     "Love you too mom," Olivia stated with a smile, giving Ashley a side hug and grabbing her purse from the dish on the hallway table. She left the Marin house, walking to the driveway and getting in her car, starting it up and backing out to make her way to The Brew.

Olivia walked into the brew, a small, black rhinestone purse hanging off her shoulder. She noticed a dirty blonde sitting on the orange couch positioned in the corner of the room. He had his head buried in a textbook, but his attention was brought from his studies as he heard the sound of loud, clacking heels.

"Thank you," Olivia hummed, grabbing the cup of coffee off the table and taking a sip of it. Elias shook his head, reaching up to grab his coffee back. "I already ordered yours. I told them to make it when you came in," he hummed, setting his coffee down and grabbing her hand, pulling her down on the couch next to him. Olivia leaned her head on his shoulder, looking down at the textbook in front of them. "So what happened with your sister?" Elias wrapped his arm around her shoulders, playing with a strand of her blonde hair.

"It was a lot. After the whole Ian thing, she's always on edge around us," Olivia mumbled, recounting what happened between her and her sister. Elias squeezed her tightly, resting his head on hers. "I'm sorry Liv, she'll come around. If I wasn't your best friend, I would say she is. She'll forgive you," he said with a chuckle. His comment broke her somber mood, causing her to crack a smile.

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