South scratched his head, a hint of worry in his eyes. "Not yet. He's been rehearsing his proposal speech for the last hour. He didnt plan a date yet."

Japan, ever composed, observed the scene. "Well, this should be interesting."

I nodded in agreement, my gaze lingering on North, who looked like a bundle of nerves. I decided to lighten the mood. "Hey, North! How about a practice run with me as the flower girl?"

North looked up, a mix of surprise and relief on his face. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course!" I beamed. "Consider it a warm-up for the real thing."
South chuckled. "You might be the only one who can calm him down right now."

As North and I went through a playful practice of the imaginary proposal, I could see the tension in his shoulders ease a bit. The idea of being a part of this moment, even in a small way, filled me with joy.

"When will you actually propose?" I asked, staring at North with a small, eager smile. North stared off into the distance, panicking.

"I'll figure it out." He stammered, shoving the velvet box back in his pocket. I gave him a quick hug and skipped back to the seawall, leaning against the concrete as I took in the saline air. Following my impulses, I carefully took a step over the rigid concrete and over the wall onto the tetrapods. I always loved going on the tetrapods and walking around them. I look down and see a mural of barnacles and mollusks stuck to the side. The tetrapods closest to the sea were eroded away and had many tiny holes on them.

I feel the waves spray on my face. My hair and clothes was adorned with water droplets, as if someone tossed glitter at me. I carefully walk along the rigid, uneven structures towards the shore.It's a low tide right now, and I want to see if I can find any crabs.

As I get to the bottom of the seawall, I notice a few blue crabs scuttling into the crevices. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the tetrapods accompanied my exploration along the uneven structures. The salty breeze intertwined with the spray of the sea, creating a refreshing atmosphere as I ventured toward the shore. The low tide revealed hidden treasures, and my eyes focused on the small blue crabs scuttling into crevices.

With careful steps, I navigated the intricacies of the tetrapods, my fascination with marine life deepening with each glimpse of barnacles, mollusks, and the resilient blue crabs seeking refuge in the intertidal zone.

As I knelt down to observe the tiny creatures, a sense of connection with the sea enveloped me. The crabs, agile in their movements, became the stars of this coastal landscape. I reached out to touch the wet surface of the tetrapod, feeling the texture beneath my fingertips.

In the distance, I could hear North's voice, a mix of nervousness and determination as he continued contemplating the perfect moment to propose. My mind briefly shifted back to the impending proposal, but the serenity of the moment with the crabs and the sea provided a comforting escape.

Lost in the harmony of nature's symphony and the occasional clicks of the crabs, I stayed by the shore, absorbing the tranquility that the sea and its inhabitants offered. The sun began its descent, casting a warm glow on the horizon, marking the transition from day to evening in this timeless coastal haven.

I love the sea. The seawall is my favorite place in the world. Kneeling by the shore, I extended a tentative hand towards one of the blue crabs cautiously exploring the rocks. Its small, beady eyes observed me with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

"Hey there, little buddy," I whispered, a grin forming on my face. "What's the ocean whispering to you today?" I imagined the secrets of the sea being shared with these resilient creatures, the keepers of hidden stories beneath the waves.

The Girl by the Sea (Countryhumans AU)Where stories live. Discover now