He gives him a sign and goes with me to get changed.

A: I'll come with you.

*** Later in Monaco ***


I just landed. I didn't sleep for a second on this 12 hours flight. Chris kept me updated but no news at the moments. We go from the airport straight to the hospital. I run inside, meeting Simon.

C: Where is she? How is she?

S: Finally! She's in there, but please stay calm.

C: Is she okay? Is the baby okay?

I freak out. Why is nobody telling me what's going on? Simon puts his hand in my arm, showing me to breath.

S: They're both okay. You've got a though baby.

C: Oh my- thanks god! Omg.

I sigh relived and have to sit down. I thought something bad happened, like seriously bad. Simon grabs my shoulder, helping me through this.

S: She already asked for you.

He smiles. I nod and stand up. I open the door of her hospital room. Sneaking in, not knowing if she's asleep.

C: Hey princess...

She's awake. Her eyes wide open in the moment she sees me. I hug her tight. She grabs into my back, holding strong onto me. I rub over her back. They already told me that August attacked her in the garden. Luckily Ryan could be there before it was too late. She had to be scared to death.

C: I'm here.

I whisper in her ear. Never wanna let her go again.

E: Did you win the race?

She asks. Wow. She's so unserious. I laugh slightly. Didn't expect that kind of question.

C: I retired after Arthur told me on the radio, you're in the hospital.

E: What? No! Why? I want you to win the championship!

She pulls a sad face. I move her hair behind your ear, sitting next to to her on the hospital bed.

C: It's not lost yet, Betty. You're just more important now than any championship in the world.

E: Oh no, never so that again.

She is still upset about me. I come to lay next to her to pull her into a hug. She rest her head on my chest.

I put my hand on her belly.

C: How is our baby?

E: All good. It didn't care at all. We're all health and it was just a shock.

C: I'm glad. I could've never forgive me, if something happened to you and I wasn't there to protect you.

I kiss her gently. I can never loose her. Non of them.

A few minutes later, we're cuddling in the bed. Elisabeth starts to cry. She is not that strong like she pretended.

E: I was so scared Charles.

She tells me. I pull her closer to me, telling her nothing will ever happen to her again.

C: I'm so sorry I wasn't there.

I feel bad. I told her to be there for her any time. To protect her. But I didn't. I didn't protect her and our baby. I rub over her back to make her feel better. A tear rolls also over my cheek. I can't imagine how scared she was.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin