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Hi I'm Reena, I'm new in town. I'm driving to my new school with my mom. I am pretty nervous. I got to school. I met the kids in my class. Well, I saw my class. I sat down. The teacher explained what's happening. We're doing a pen pal assignment. The assignment is basically we choose a country to write to. I choose England. I was the only one I think. Well now I basically write a letter to someone. The girl is, Elise. I would assume that she's a girl. The teacher let us start to write our letters:

Dear Elise,
Hi I'm Reena, I'm in the seventh grade. I'm twelve years old. I just moved from Michigan to Wisconsin. I miss home a lot. I wouldn't say I did have a lot of friends but I do have friends. I hope me and you could be friends. I'm looking forward to talking to you more. I'd like to ask some questions so I could know more about you: What kind of music do you like?, Do you have a favorite color? (What is it), What shows and movies do like to watch?, What's your favorite activity? Do you have a favorite sport? (What is it). I hope I talk to you soon.
Sincerely, Reena

After I was done I put it in my binder in a folder so I could mail it later. Awhile longer during the day. I was in gym. It was ok, it did work me hard. I like gym, I like it because It works me hard which makes me lose weight. I wouldn't say I'm overweight or anything. But I am like a person who'd need to work out. My mom likes how I like to try to lose weight. We were done with gym. The girls and me were going into the locker room. There was actually showers in the locker room. Which some girls went to take showers. I went in my bag, I had extra clothes rather then the clothes I had. I brought them by the showers. I took a quick small shower and of course put the new clothes while drying off. I fixed my hair. The school has a long passing period so I had enough time to finish. As I was finished a saw a girl behind me in the mirror.

"Uh excuse me" Amanda said.

"Yes" I said as I turned around.

"Your in my way" Amanda said.

"You mean I'm in front of the mirror" I said.

"Don't correct me" Amanda said.

"Who are you anyway" I asked.

"Amanda duh" Amanda said. "Okay" I said. "I'm the most popular girl in school" Amanda said. "If your so popular how come me and everyone in the school didn't notice" I asked. Amanda made a face gasping then walked away. I'm not gonna have a problem at this school. I got my stuff then went off to lunch. I got my lunch then started to walk around to find a place to sit. I noticed a girl that looked familiar.



"You look familiar have I seen you before"

"Probably. You look familiar too"

"Wait a minute aren't you in my gym class? What's your name, um, Reena"

"Yeah to Both questions"

"You can sit down"

"Thanks. Oh I never got your name"

"I'm Daisy"

"Hi, I'm, well you know my name"

"Yeah. It's Reena isn't it"


We kept talking as we ate. I got to know more about her. Favorites of her's: purple, soccer, Soul Surfer, chicken, Lab Rats, math and gym, surfing, biology, writing and Instagram.

Then after school...............

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