Chapter 40

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Now that Kara has got off the phone with Lena, and found out the news about Lex escaping from prison and everything, her immediate instinct is to go check on Lori, and make sure she is okay. Of course, Kara does believe that Lena has done an excellent job at hiding Lori's existence from the world, meaning Lex may not know about Lori's existence, however, Kara also knows there is a possibility that Lex does know about Lori's existence. If that is true, then from everything Kara knows about Lex Luthor, from what Clark has told her, from what she has read in the news, and also from the brief stuff Lena has mentioned, Kara knows that it wouldn't be beyond Lex to come after a 3-year-old, just as a way to get to Lena, and hurt her. Therefore, Kara is just feeling really protective right now, even if she knows that Lori is perfectly safe, upstairs, asleep, as she would have heard otherwise with her super hearing. Even so, Kara still decides to head upstairs to the room where Lori is sleeping.

Once Kara is upstairs she soon makes her way to the room Lori is sleeping in, and walks through the door, and much to her relief, sees Lori sleeping there, tucked under a blanket, soundly, safe. In Kara's head she knows that Lori is perfectly safe and fine, even before now, as she looks at her, but there's just something about looking at Lori in person, and seeing her safe, that makes her feel so relieved.

Kara continues to look at the sleeping Lori for a few more moments, and eventually, after a couple of minutes, Kara does make the move to go over to Lori and lay next to her, intending to cuddle with her as she sleeps. However, just as Kara takes the first step to do this, the door to the room opens, and Alex peaks her head in.

"Oh, there you are." Alex says to Kara, in a soft voice, "I was wondering where you'd got to."

"Yeah... sorry." Kara says, as she turns to look at Alex, with a slightly concerned look on her face.

Alex notices Kara's look.

"Is something wrong, Kara?" Alex asks.

Kara now gestures for Alex to walk out of the room with her, so they don't disturb Lori while they talk.

"What is it, Kara?" Alex now asks, with a concerned expression on her face, now that they are outside Lori's room, and have put the door to.

"I just got a call from Lena." Kara begins, "You know how she's gone to Metropolis to investigate a break in at one of the L-Corp storage facilities?"

"Yeah." Alex nods.

"Well, basically, it turns out that the break in at the Metropolis facility was a test, or distraction, so that Lena would go to Metropolis to search through the facility, and then not be in National City, for the robbers to then break into an L-Corp facility in National City which Lena has." Kara explains.

"So, you are saying an L-Corp facility was broken into in National City too?" Alex asks, "Did Lena mention what was in the facility? And who would know to break into a Metropolis L-Corp facility to lure her there to then break into a National City one?"

"Yes.... She did, Lex..." Kara replies.

"What?!" Alex exclaims.

"Shh. Lori is still sleeping." Kara scolds.

"Sorry, but how can Lena be sure it's Lex?" Alex asks.

"Well, apparently the National City facility that had stuff stolen from, was a facility that housed all of the weapons and devices that Lex had built over the years, before going to prison. Lena moved them to National City when she moved so they'd be close by, as she was personally dismantling and destroying all of them. However, by the sounds of things, she really hasn't had much time to dismantle many of them, due to how busy she is, and now they've been stolen." Kara says.

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