"I'll do it later" ❤️

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Gears is sitting in his office working away. Eventually he looks up at the clock


Agent Lament should have been back by now. He said he'd be back by 12 yet he isn't and doesn't normally run behind. Maybe he should go look for him, afterall he needed to take his break anyways.

Gears gets up from his seat and leaves his office. As he walks through the hallways he sees no sign of Lament anywhere... where did he go off to anyway? Did he go see Dr. Light? Last time he checked those two were in some relationship but they always said it was complicated. Suppose he can start his search there.

Dr. Light is sipping some coffee in her office and relaxing for the first time in months when Dr. Gears knocks on her door.

"Hm? I'm on my break, can't talk right now!"

"I apologize, Dr. Light but have you seen Agent Lament today?"

Hearing that monotone voice on the other side of the door makes Light a bit confused. She opens it to see Gears' neutral face standing there before her.

"He isn't with you?"


"Weird, he said he was heading to your office like half an hour ago"

"He is 36 minutes and 29 seconds late."

Light seems confused. She knows Troy picked up the habit of being perfectly on time from Dr. Gears. . . Why has he suddenly stopped now?

"Maybe somebody needed him?"

"He would have let me know."

"Well let me know when you find him then."

"Alright. Have a good day, Dr. Light"

And with that, the dull man leaves her office.

About an hour later Dr. Light has still heard nothing from Gears. First Lament dissapears silently and now Gears? He should have called her by now...

"Hm. I suppose I should go find those two."

Light leaves her office and starts to look around for the two men but they are nowhere to be found.

"what in the world is going on?" she thinks to herself

As she walks she runs into a confused Dr. Glass walking down the hall.

"Oh Glass, you haven't seen Dr. Gears or Agent Lament, have you?

"I'm afraid not, sorry. Have you seen Dr. Mann? he hasn't shown up for his evaluation yet and he was supposed to be there two hours ago."

"Weird, we have three missing staff members. This could be bad."

"Maybe there was a meeting we weren't told about?"

Hopefully Glass is right and not Light. There is too much paperwork she would have to deal with if all three of them were dead.

"Lets hope we missed a meeting. wanna look for them with me?"

"Sure! It'll be easier with two sets of eyes instead of one."

Sometimes Light has to question how someone as sweet as Glass can work for the SCP foundation.

The two start to walk aroound the site together to find Gears, Lament, and Mann. as they ask more people they hear a few more names that haven't shown up to plans aswell. what in the world is going on?!

"hmm.. Here, I'l check this room, Light, you check the one across the hall."


Light goes into the small room only to find an empty janitors closet. She leaves the room and waits for Glass.

A minute goes by...

Then two minutes...

"Glass? you okay in there?"

It takes a second but she finally gets a response

"Yeah... Hey I think we should call a security breach."

Light's heart stops

"What why?!"

"Uuuhhmmmm... Someonoe left that rock out."

"What rock?"

"you know, that one that uh, Makes you procrastinate?"

"Oh. Is Everyone missing in there?

"yep. I think I'm gonna relax in here for a bit."

Light sighs

"Alright then, hold tight."

-About 30 minutes later-

The staff are back to normal and doing their thing and that rock is put back in containment. Atleast I think it is.. I should check.. Meh. I'll do it later.

SCP-___-J is stuck in my head at all ties T^T

682 words :0

SCP one Shots (mainly Doctors, ngl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن