Minsung ~ Dead to Me

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2 hours later with Minho

Jeongin was already drunk, Minho found him so annoying. Changbin and Felix were making out while Jungkook just drank slowly. Seungmin was making out with some random guy and Minho drank slowly with Jungkook. Changbin and Felix had already informed everyone of who was coming and they didn't mind. About 20 minutes later, new people came into the club and a muscular man walked up to Changbin and Felix, sitting down on their laps as they sat close to each other already. "I missed you guys.." he spoke and Felix immediately started caressing his thigh.

"Guys this is Chan, our boyfriend" Changbin smiled and Jungkook and Minho greeted him. "You whore!" Jimin yelled to Chan but Chan only laughed. Jungkook smirked as he saw his boyfriend and Jimin sat down on Jungkook's lap. "Min, this is Jimin" Jungkook said. "Nice to meet you Jimin" Minho smiled slightly. "You guys really just left us!" Another guy came with a taller dude behind him. "Sorry Jake and Hoonie!! Wait- Where are the other two?" Jimin asked as the new couple sat down by the couch with them all. "Making out outside, they haven't even came in yet and they're already almost fucking" Jake laughed. "Ugh they fuck way too much.. Sungie even said they fucked in the shower!" Jimin laughed too.

"Sounds like them" Chan nodded. "There they are" Chan nodded his head towards them but Minho didn't bother looking. The couple went up to them all, "Hi! I'm-" Jisung made eye contact with Minho whose eyes widened. "Jisung.." Minho finished Jisung's sentence and shocked everyone at the table, even Hyunjin. "Minho.." Jisung said back. "Uh- Well this is my boyfriend Hyunjin" Jisung looked away from Minho who looked at Hyunjin with a glare. Jisung and Hyunjin sat down, the only place left being beside Minho. Jisung sat beside him and Hyunjin beside Jisung.

"How do you two know each other?" Felix asked Jisung and Minho. "We.. used to date a while ago" Jisung explained. "What?!" Jimin gasped. "But Minho cheated on me when he was 17 and I was 16 so we broke up and we hadn't seen each other since then" Jisung said more causing Minho's friends to get even more shocked. "Minho cheated?!" Changbin yelled. "For fuck sakes it wasn't my fucking fault Jisung! You fucking know that! My friends told me that you were whoring around, not my fault for believing them!" Minho yelled at his ex. "I wasn't whoring around! I was a fucking minor! You fucking asshole!" Jisung was pulled closer to Hyunjin. "Calm down babe" Hyunjin whispered.

"Min~~ I wanna go hooomee.." a drunk Jeongin walked up to them. "Great, fuck you Jisung and hope I never fucking see you again" Minho stood up and walked away with Jeongin. "Ugh" Jisung rolled his eyes. "He seemed.. nice" Jake laughed slightly. "Well that's one thing we never knew about Minho" Jungkook laughed too. "You got cheated on?!" Chan yelled. "It's no big deal anymore hyung!" Jisung giggled.

The next day

Jisung woke up and looked up, he was sleeping on Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin only wore a pair of boxers while Jisung wore a pair of boxers too but with one of Hyunjin's shirts on him. Jisung smiled at Hyunjin, kissing his cheek. "Mhm.." Hyunjin slowly woke up. "Hey babe" he smiled. "Hi Hyune" Jisung giggled, getting out of bed. "Did you sleep well?" Jisung asked and Hyunjin nodded, "Yeah I did, did you?" He asked back. "Yes I slept very good, thank you for cuddling me all night" Jisung kissed Hyunjin's cheek again.

Jisung walked to the bathroom and locked the door after him, looking into the mirror. "Fuck.." he sighed, all memories with Minho came back, he misses him so much. Minho was his first love, first kiss and the one who took his virginity. Jisung was Minho's first everything too. Jisung remembered the way Minho's hands felt on his body, oh how good he made him feel.

He couldn't help but feel need for the older boy again. He quickly texted Chan about it, telling him how it's fucked up since he's with Hyunjin yet is in need of another man. Chan comforted him, telling him it's okay and he should probably take a break from Hyunjin. Jisung knew that he didn't love Hyunjin but he still liked him, a lot.

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