5- The chess game

Start from the beginning

She remembered with painful clarity her grandfather's wrinkled hands moving the figures, teaching her to play, giving her advice, accompanying her to the championships...

Fighting back tears, Selene retrieved the pieces, one by one, checking that they were not damaged by her outburst of violence. She pressed them to her chest, asking for forgiveness, and with great care and delicacy, she left them next to the board.

For a few minutes, she hesitated, not knowing what to do. She could see her grandfather, placing the pieces, waiting. She missed him so much...

Selene sat in the chair, and slowly placed the figures in their respective squares. She raised her eyes but saw only empty space. There was no trace of the old hands, nor of the kind smile, nor of the loving voice that had taught her so much.

Selene buried her face in her hands and cried. She felt so alone...

And then, she heard the subtle scrape of the piece against the board again. The pawn was moving again, just as it had done a few days ago. He seemed to be mocking her.

Selene wiped her face, furious.

"You are not him!" she shouted. Her words bounced off the walls of the empty room. "How dare you try to replace him?"

She felt the surge of rage rise in her throat, bitter as bile. He was going to find out. She was going to show him what it was like to really play chess. She was going to show him that he was no match for her.

Guided by a dull, burning fury, Selene moved her pieces, determined to give no quarter. Her movements were aggressive and fast. She barely gave her opponent time to react. She waited impatiently for Severus to respond, while in her head she planned her strategy. She played as if her life depended on it, and quickly but lethally, she relentlessly advanced across the board, until she made checkmate.

Huffing with satisfaction and arrogance, Selene crossed her arms and leaned against the back of her chair. She watched as the pieces moved on their own, returning to the starting position, and smiled an evil smile.

It seemed like he hadn't learned his lesson. She would have to show it to him by force.

The second game was faster and more brutal than the first. Selene won in an aggressive and humiliating way, using strategies that were too advanced for her opponent. She felt elated upon completing the victory.

This time, he took longer to put the pieces back together. Selene could guess with satisfaction a slight hesitation in Severus' movements. It seemed like he had finally realized her mood.

She leaned forward, prepared to humiliate him again.

And then, Severus turned the board, leaving the white pieces in front of Selene. She extended a hand, stopping mid-movement. She knew Severus well enough to know that every gesture of his held more than one meaning. And he was giving her the opportunity to start the game... or not to do it.

Selene rested her hand on the table. Was he giving her a choice? Had he realized that she was angry? Did he want to give her the option of not playing? To play whenever she wanted?

That board was the only means of communication they had. Selene didn't have permission to travel to Hogwarts, and they didn't have an owl either. If she didn't start the game, she would cut off the only conversation that existed between them.

Selene tapped the table with her fingers, thoughtfully. What should she do? What did she want to do? Did she want to play with him?

Selene shook her head, sighing. She was so tired... She got up from the table, without looking back.

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