4- The stay in Azkaban

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They were taken to Azkaban, and Severus and Selene were locked up, in separate cells, under the custody of the dementors. For days they waited, in the dark, uncommunicated, without hearing from each other, while terrible thoughts consumed their minds.

Selene couldn't stop thinking about the long months she had suffered at Bellatrix's hands, her cruel tortures, her deranged games. She relived her worst nightmares over and over again.

And now she worried about Severus too. He had carried the Mark. What would they do to him? Would they sentence him to life imprisonment? Would they give him the dementor's kiss?

Finally, they opened the door, but they only came to question her. Again and again, the aurors peppered her with questions. They wanted information, names, data about the victims, things that Selene didn't know or could answer.

She tried to collaborate, as she gained nothing by remaining silent, but they didn't believe her when she said that she hadn't done anything, that she was just a squib.

They questioned her about Severus, his past as a death eater and his alleged crimes, but then Selene refused to answer. She wasn't going to give him away. She wouldn't say anything that would harm him.

As punishment, she was left uncommunicated for days, in complete darkness, with the dementors right outside her door. Selene thought they would let her die in the cell, without anyone remembering her. Gone were the bright days of their honeymoon. Now, only the cold and anguish accompanied her.

And then, when she was in utter despair, they opened the door again, and this time, Selene was led outside to another room that, although sober and depressing, was less gloomy than the cell, and had windows on both sides that allowed the light came in.

A wizard was waiting for her next to a table, and a bird-shaped patronus was flying around him.

"I'm Ignotus Travers," he introduced himself, extending his hand. "I'm going to be your lawyer."

Selene squeezed his hand and sat up, suddenly feeling relief, thanks to the presence of the patronus.

"Are we allowed to have lawyers? Why haven't I talked to you before?"

"There have been a certain number of irregularities, which are being resolved at this time."

"What's happening with Severus? Are you also going to help him?" Selene looked at the wizard anxiously. "Do you know if he's okay?"

"Mr. Snape will be handed over to the judges in the next few days, you don't have to worry about him. Now we must focus on you," Mr. Travers unfolded the parchment he was holding in his hand and rested the tip of a quill on it. The feather stood on its own, magically. "Your maiden name is Selene Corine, right?"

"That's correct," Selene saw how the quill began to faithfully write her words and those of the lawyer.

"And you married Severus Snape forty days ago?"

"Yes," Selene bit her lip, nervous. Was he going to question her again about Severus' past?

"Have you been a death eater, Mrs. Snape?"

"I have already said no, I never received the Mark. I'm a squib," Selene insisted, starting to get irritated.

"If you were released, would you agree to be monitored by the Ministry to control your activities and future movements?" that question surprised her. Was she going to be released?

"Do I have any other options?" she asked, and Mr. Travers looked at her seriously. "Yes, I accept" she relented.

"Do you agree not to contact individuals related to the dark side?"

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