Wrong Bitch (Taes POV)

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I was confused why y/n left me all of a sudden for Dae until I walked halfway down the stairs and heard the conversation from the kitchen at first I didn't really think much of it until..
"you're my girlfriend and if I need you I will have you I don't give a fuck about tae bro they can wait until after I'm done doing what is necessary"

Excuse me... nigga you trippin it's bad enough you talked shit to my best friend and now you doing this too okay I got something for dat ass while they were doing the nasty I went into my office and grabbed my supplies cause it's about to go down the first thing I did was walk into his room and pour glitter all over his room and his favorite things like his Xbox action figures and so on
Tae:that should do the trick...
I opened a can of red spray paint and shook it up real good before spraying I drew a message on his white wall "Wrong Bitch"  it took about 14 minutes because the letters are very detailed me being the artistic one had to go all out

I opened a can of red spray paint and shook it up real good before spraying I drew a message on his white wall "Wrong Bitch"  it took about 14 minutes because the letters are very detailed me being the artistic one had to go all out

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The letters

I went inside his bathroom and it was looking too clean so I knew I had to ruin that real quick
I unscrewed the faucet and added red coloring to make it look bloody my father used to build so I learned it from the best who needs a man when you can do it by yourself call me Bob the builder in this hoe anyway.. I screwed it back on after I finished adding the coloring and did the same things with the toilet and shower head I sprayed "I see you" on his wall but in a horror font I also put glue on his floor and used a confetti gun spraying it all over the place after awhile I heard footsteps so I quickly ran out the room and did a cartwheel sliding to the corner where nobody could see me
Dae:let's go in my room babe
They both walked in the room but little did they know they was in on a surprise
Y/n:bae what the hell happened to your room *laugh*
Jae appeared out of nowhere and crouched down next to me
Jae:nice move
Me and her high five each other
Y/n:um wrong timing but you might wanna check your bathroom
They went inside the bathroom and you could tell he was mad but do I give a fuck no that's rule number one don't mess with me or you gon find out
Y/n:I know exactly who did this *laughs more*
Y/n:can't tell you that but I just know they real mad at you
Dae realizes and fussed in anger
Dae:now I gotta clean all of this up
I walked in the room with Jae following behind me
Dae:why did you do that
Tae:oh you know exactly why next time don't talk shit about your friends to your girlfriend
Y/n crossed her arms looking at Dae
Y/n:yup and I told you before we fucked to stop but you didn't listen
He walked out the room
Jae:and that's on girl power bitch

Me and the girls went to my room and watched funny videos together on my iPad

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