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"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." – Brian Tracy

Austin, TX

"Sir I don't believe it was that bad of a situation, I stood up for my friend!" I heard my older twin brother argue with our step father as he was being sent away to another school. I was doing my nails when my door opened and my mother knocked on the door.

"Sweetpea, Robert would like to talk to you. Come down?" she spoke softly as I nodded and checked that my nails were set, and they were. I grabbed my iPhone and walked downstairs where my step-father was standing looking at Lucas who had his head in his hands.

"Madi, Lucas and you are going to school in New York beginning of the new year" he spoke as I looked up from my phone, I was talking to my bestie Pepper. I looked up as I looked at Lucas and I squinted at him, then back at him.

"Wait, excuse my words sir, but Lucas is the one who got kicked out. So why do I have to be punished as well?" I asked as he looked at me and with one look I took a seat next to Lucas who instantly looked concerned for my safety. He tried to get up and go in front of me, but Robert gave one stern look and Lucas begrudgingly sat back down. He walked right in front of me, I kept my head down and he tilted my head, making me look up.

"Are you questioning my decision making, young lady?" He asked as I shook my head. "No sir" I said as he nodded, he turned his body as he was about to walk away but he quickly rounded his body, slapping my face to the side with his hand. His hand had a college ring on it, I felt it cut into my cheek. I cried out as my hands went to hold my face, Lucas got up from his seat and held my body as he looked up at Robert who just looked at his hand.

"Don't ever talk back to me without my say so. Now go pack your things, both of you" he spoke without looking at either of us. He then left the house to go smoke with his friends. He isn't our real father. He just married Mom, after my real dad passed away when I was younger. Ever since he has terrorized us. He's lucky that Pappy Jo, (my dad's dad) or my Uncle Ty (my mom's brother) isn't here. They hate Robert, but Mom says we rely on him to help pay rent. Lucas grunted next to me and I looked to see him all angry at where Robert was just standing in front of us.

"Don't get all grumpy, if you just had let Zay get what was coming to him, we wouldn't be moving to New York" I spoke as he rolled his eyes and stomped off to his room. I looked at my mother, and she just came over, giving me a hug and a kiss on the head.

"When you guys go there, you will be living with your Cousin Tyler and his husband" she spoke as I nodded and went on my phone to talk to Pepper about how Vanessa got back together with her bf, she was Zay's girlfriend but honestly, she was a straight up bitch. She was always breaking up and then taking him back and he would always go back to her. She was just some insecure whiney bitch who feeds off the drama to stay relevant.

"So I won't be at Cheer Practice in the beginning of the school year" I told her as she gasped with shock. I started to pack my cheer awards and my pom poms, maybe this school will have a cheer squad?

"Well you remembered how Lucas got expelled from the school?" I asked her.

"Yeah, um... Zay ran his mouth at the boy who was flirting with Vanessa. Ugh you know she just does it all for the drama, it's like she feeds off the drama for her to be pretty!" she ranted as I then saw an old picture frame of my family when we all rode the horses through the woods. Before the explosion happened.

"Yeah well because of that we are being sent to go to school in New York" I said as she just sighed.

"Well I guess you will miss him but- wait you said we! No no no no, you are not leaving Texas to be one of them city folk! He is the one that got his butt thrown out, why are you suffering, meaning why am I suffering, cause that means I have to lead and you know I am only best at being co-captain and now I will have to learn new things. And I can barely remember what we learned in History" she started to go off about her worries and I just sighed, mom came into the room and dropped off a few boxes for me to put my stuff in. I started with all of my awards and then decided after dinner I would start folding the clothes I wanted to bring. I thought I would buy new clothes over there as well, since I had a part time job over the summer as a lifeguard.

"Pep, I know but it's already been made, I leave on Monday" I said as she starts to cry.

"But that's like in only three days, I gotta grab all the girls and we have to throw you a big party" she rambled off once more but now my door opened, and Lucas was standing there.

"Yeah, listen Pepper I gotta go. We will discuss this later" I spoke as I hung up on her mid rant and looked up at my twin. In his hand was a bag of ice he probably got from downstairs.

"You here to apologize being a grumpy little shit?" I asked as he just sat down on my bed, he handed me the bag, and I applied it to my cheek that now had a hand print on it. Luke was sad that his actions caused not only himself but his sister to leave everything they knew and start somewhere new.

"I'm sorry that you got roped into my mess, when we get over to New York, I promise to do better" he spoke as I just looked up at him.

"It's not that, it's just every time Zay gets himself in a pickle, you, always have to be the one to get him out of it. And because of that he never learns when he needs to zip his lips" I said to him as he sighed, he knew what I was speaking about was true. This is not the first time that we spoke about Zay, don't get me wrong I love the guy. But like I said before with Pepper, he is under Vanessa's spell.

"I know I know, and I tried to talk it out but he wouldn't listen and then the next thing I knew it, that guy said a certain word about Zay, and I hand him pinned down with my foot on his throat. It doesn't help that the guy was Colt" he said as if I was already there, glaring at the bitch herself for causing all of this.

"Look, when we get there can we just start fresh and new?" he asked as I sighed, I then got up and threw the football that father got me when he took me to my first Cowboys game. He caught it easily and looked up at me.

"Maybe, but one sign of the old you and I'll be the one wrangling you down to the ground, got it?" I said as he nodded, he then decided to go pack in his room, but for added measure I did a little sheep call and he turned around, glaring at me.

"Stop it!" he said but I just slammed my door in his face.

"Stop it!" he said but I just slammed my door in his face

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