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I was grabbing the newspaper when a photo slipped out from inside. It dropped to the floor. The photo showed Alice, looking glamorous and pretty. I picked it up from the ground and examined it closely.

I've been wondering if she'll say yes to marrying me. She didn't seem to like me, and I never even asked if she was ready for marriage. Plus, I just told her to marry me. But I still think she won't turn me down because I don't have any flaws, and I'm also good-looking.

 Out of nowhere, my dad's voice startled me as he asked, "Good morning, son. Are you already smitten with her, holding her photo this early?" I chuckled to myself, thinking, Me, in love? Not likely. It takes a lot to make me fall for someone.

My dad came from behind and sat in sofa next to me and asked me to pass the newspaper because he thought I was busy reading the photo. Obviously I can't show him that I'm not interested in this marriage but yeah didn't have any other option rather to act interested in her.

" Dad, I found her picture inside the newspaper and I was just holding it, nothing else."He gave me a smirk and said he trusts me. Why is he smirking?


The waiter informed the me that my tea was ready. I placed the picture on the table, handed the newspaper to my father, and then headed to the kitchen. I asked the waiter to step out of the kitchen as I wanted to prepare breakfast for myself.

I developed excellent cooking abilities after my mother passed away a decade ago. She tragically died in an accident on her way to meet me at the airport. I completed my college and graduated in New York. My mother always cooked delicious meals for me, and after losing her, it felt like my world had crumbled. We used to spend time in the kitchen together - she would cook while I watched in awe of how she made such tasty dishes.

 After she left, I began cooking on my own and didn't want to eat food made by anyone else because my mother's cooking was truly magical and irreplaceable. Plus, there was another reason. I acquired all cooking skills from my mother itself.

I smelled something burning while lost in my thoughts. The bread on the stove was on fire. Oh no! I quickly turned off the gas. I must have put too much butter on it. I tossed the burnt bread in the trash. As I made another one, I sipped on my tea.


I walked into my room and grabbed a towel for a refreshing cold shower. Once I was done, I returned to my room with the towel wrapped around my waist. I went to the dressing table to dry my hair with the hairdryer. Then, I put on my black shirt and grey formal pants, adjusted my Rolex watch on my left hand, and slipped my wallet into the back pocket of my pants. Since I didn't have any important meetings today, I kept my look simple.

 I left my house and started driving to work, but then I realized that Alice's house is on the way. Should I take her to the hospital? Nah, I don't have time for that.


 My car was parked outside Alice's house, ready to give her a ride, but at the same time, I wasn't really feeling like it. However, in the end, I decided to go pick her up. I didn't let her know I was waiting because I didn't have her contact saved in my phone.

I spotted a girl emerging from the gate after some time, her hair down, dressed in a white shirt and black formal pants with a white coat slung over her arm and a purse in her other hand. She had a dainty necklace with a pendant and plain gold earrings. The sun was beaming directly on her face, enhancing her natural radiance. That girl was Alice. She's stunning, no matter how you put it.

 When she spotted me, her eyes widened as she tried to figure out why I was at her place. I quickly explained that I was just passing by and decided to give her a ride.

She shot me a look that said, "Are you kidding me?" I opened the car door and invited her to join me. She declined, insisting she would take the metro instead. I gently took her hands and..

" Andrew, why are you here?" her father inquired as he was on his way somewhere. I quickly let go of her hand to avoid any misunderstandings. I didn't intend to cause her any harm. I explained that I was heading to the office and thought I could give Alice a ride as well.

Alice's dad instructed her to hop in the car for a quicker ride, but she insisted on taking the metro instead. After a brief disagreement, she eventually agreed to ride with me, and I couldn't help but feel pleased. I wonder if it's because I won the little battle in front of her father.

 We were both in the car when I asked her to put on her seatbelt. She refused.


The sun was shining brightly, waking me up with its warm rays. I checked my phone and saw that it was 7 AM. I sat up in bed and noticed that my little sister had already left hers. "Mom, where's Ella? Did she leave already?" I asked. My mother explained that there was a college event for juniors that she was excited about. My sister may not be into academics, but she sure loves anything related to culture.

After finishing my breakfast, I said a prayer and put on my sandals as my dad asked me to wait for him. He mentioned that he needed to run an errand at the shop down the street. I waited patiently, but after some time passed, my dad still hadn't returned. I peeked into the living room and saw him leisurely enjoying his tea. Lost in the moment, he seemed to forget about everything else. Realizing he might take a while, I informed him I would be downstairs waiting for him. I advised him to savor his tea and join me when he was ready. To him, that cup of tea was more than just a drink - it was a moment of relaxation and comfort.

I headed downstairs and as I was about to leave my gate, I noticed a car parked outside. It wasn't just any car, it was the car, not the usual one, but the expensive one. I couldn't help but wonder who it belonged to and why it was parked there. Then, I caught a glimpse of a figure leaning against the car on the other side, but I couldn't see their face. As I got closer, I realized it was Andrew. Of course, he was the owner, that's why he was standing there. I can confirm it's his.


 I was stunned, not because he has the car, but because I was wondering why he's here. What could he possibly be doing here so early in the morning?

 He then requested that I enter the vehicle so he could give me a ride, but I declined his offer. He was being polite about it, and I doubt he only came here to pick me up. He's a busy individual, so why would he bother coming?He even opened the door for me like a gentleman but yet I don't like him.

 He refused to take no for an answer, grabbing my hands in a way that made me furious. Before I could even respond, my father intervened and began speaking to him politely. Why was my father being so kind to someone who was clearly arrogant and annoying?

Andrew released my hand and greeted my father. He mentioned that he needed to take me to the hospital. My father instructed me to get in the car and let him drive me. I hesitated a bit, but eventually agreed. It was great to get a ride to the hospital for free. We both got into the car and my father waved goodbye to me, smiling.

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Not less than a love marriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora