a pick me girl hitting on them in front of you

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✧*̥˚ Harry *̥˚✧

you were sat next to Harry in the great hall, openly talking about one of your upcoming tests while he helped you study. your books scattered across the table while his hand rested on your thigh, his thumb drawing circles across the skin.

the table empty opposite you both, waiting for either Ron or Hermione to join at some point within the hour. getting lost in the book as he explained the main works of whatever it was, looking up at the sound of someone sitting opposite you, only to be confused at the sight of an unknown girl.

"can i help you?"

you asked the girl, only to be ignored while she stared at Harry. a small laugh leaving you as you looked over to him, his focus on the book while his thumb continued to circle on your thigh.

hearing her tap her nails against the table, having to cover your mouth with your hand to maintain your laughs. hearing her clear her voice and put on a fake voice as she spoke to Harry, who was still paying no attention to her whatsoever.

"Harry, hi. we're in the same dada class, and i was wondering if you would want to go out together sometime? i think we get on really well"

having heard the words leave her lips made you laugh again, her attempt to flirt with him falling on deaf ears from him, his hand leaving your thigh to wrap his arm around your waist.

moving closer to his side while wrapping an arm around his shoulders, fingers combing through his hair while you turned your attention back to him, smirking to yourself as you spoke aloud for her to hear.

"he has a girlfriend, but thanks for the offer"


✧*̥˚ Ron *̥˚✧

you had learned early on in your relationship that Ron loved when you got jealous, or protective over him. he loved the feeling of feeling wanted, revelled in it even, wanted the world to know that he's yours.

so at an after party for the latest Gryffindor win, your boyfriend being the scorer, everyone surrounding him and congratulating him on getting the win.

standing just outside the circle with Hermione while you watched Ron, a smile on your face as his eyes continuously flicked over to you, only for your smile to drop at the sight of Lavender practically clinging onto him.

the cup in your hand leaving your mind, the empty plastic scrunching together as you watched her flirt with Ron, Hermione's gaze following your gaze and laughing at the sight.

placing the cup to the side before pushing through the circle around your boyfriend, noticing the smirk on his face at the sight of you, pushing Lavender off of him as your hand cradled his jaw and pulled him down into you and into a heated kiss

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