christmas morning with them

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- matt's is nsfw
- wrote his way before everyone else's

- matt's is nsfw - wrote his way before everyone else's

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✧*̥˚ Harry *̥˚✧

- avoiding his aunt and family, spending the holidays with you for the first time, the first time away from his family too. spending most of the time by your side and wrapped in your arms

waking up to the familiar smell of christmas in your home, freshly baked cookies from late the night before and the soft burn of a scented candle from the living room.

nudging Harry awake, giving a soft smile as his features scrunched together in a twinge of confusion, which earned a soft laugh.

"let's go, my mums ready for us"

eagerly climbing out of bed and holding your hands out to him, allowing him to put his glasses on before his hands took hold of yours, following you out of your room and towards your living room.

the soft lull of tree lights filling the room, and a subtle lull of christmas songs played as you both sat by the tree, both reaching for a gift for the other.

setting down his gift next to him, your mum catching your attention and reminding you of your stocking, before gesturing to Harry who gave an awkward smile.

"here Harry, we got you a stocking too"

his face turned to one of confusion, before fading to a smile. taking the stocking from you and opening the first gift on top, a pendant for his chain with both of your initials and a heart.

his smile widening as he leaned over to place a kiss to your cheek, mumbling out a thank you to both you and your mum before continuing to the next gift.

a framed picture of his mum, dad and godfather. the picture being hard to find but with the help of mrs Weasley, you found it and knew that your boyfriend would love it.

noting how the smile on his face turned to a frown, and tears forming in his eyes. carefully wrapping your arms around him and hugging him, placing a kiss to his cheek.

"they'd be so proud of you, i know i am"


✧*̥˚ Ron *̥˚✧

- much to Ron's reluctance, you insisted on staying with his family over Christmas, despite his efforts of wanting to stay with yours.

loud chatter rung out from around the Weasley house, hearing chuckles from the other side of Ron's bedroom door before it swung open, revealing Fred and George.

both boys laughing at the sight of their little brother wrapped in your arms and his head in the crook of your neck, earning a grumble against your skin.

eyes flicking up to both boys as they stalked closer, nudging at Ron while he clung closer to you.

"mums waiting for you, only you two"

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