finding out they have a crush on you

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✧*̥˚ Harry *̥˚✧

sitting with your three best friends in the great hall, laughing and joking with each other. sitting next to Ron when he spoke up, his words mainly directed at you and Harry.

"so did you ask her yet Harry?"

the words landed in your ears, trying to process them but ending up puzzled. turning to face Harry, who was sat opposite you.

eyebrows knitted together on both you and Harry, yours out of confusion and his out of a slight panic.

"ask me what?"

you spoke up, the words flowing freely, your eyes locked on Harry's as you tried to determine his facial expression's.

he lifted his head, eyes flicking between you and Ron, a sigh leaving him as he shook his head.

"if i could take you out on a date"

the words came out hushed and embarrassed, Harry avoiding your gaze as a blush crept onto your face, the only rational sentence coming to mind.

"wait, you like me?"

without using any words, Harry answered your question with a nod, his face heated and a rosy pink colour.


✧*̥˚ Ron *̥˚✧

walking back to the Gryffindor common room with Ron after your last class of the day, talking about the project you now had to do together.

you had noticed a small smile on Ron's face, it had been there since finding out you were going to be working together.

"what's with the smile? it's only a herbology project"

you asked, playfully shoving at his shoulder. his head turning to you, the same smile remaining on his face, giving a small shrug before he spoke.

"can't a guy be happy that he's working with his crush?"

the words seemed to have just slipped out, a look of panic crossing his face as he realised what he had said.

he had stopped walking, rubbing a hand down his face trying to compose himself, a frown etched onto his face as he spoke again.

"sorry, it just slipped out"

you reassured him that it was okay, one of your hands soothing along his forearm, promising that it was okay and that he shouldn't be embarrassed.


✧*̥˚ Fred *̥˚✧

in the stands with a couple of your friends, cheering on your other friends that were playing the current quidditch game. Fred being one of them.

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