"George Michael huh?" He smiled.

"Mhm. Do you remember who your first crush was?"

"Olivia Newton John, Farrah Fawcett, any babes in a magazine."

"You had good taste back then."

"I still do."

I raised my eyebrows at him. Did he mean me? No way...But maybe? Maybe I should try to confess now, get it out of the way.

I placed my food down and took a sip of my drink.

"Y'know Johnny, I've been thinking..."

As if there was a force timing my life in the most humiliating way, Careless Whisper had skipped to Oh Yeah by Yello.

I threw my head towards the ceiling, wondering what kind of sick joke God was playing on me.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I said under my breath.

Johnny chuckled.

"What were you saying before?" He took a sip of his drink.

"Just a moment." I smiled and went over to the speaker and turned it off.

"Finally some peace and quiet. What I was saying, I wanted to tell you, because well, you've been so kind as to train me, and, well, I've enjoyed spending time outside of training, and I feel like I've got this thing that hasn't been said but-"

The door swung open. Miguel came into the cabin panting.

"The owner of the boat is coming back, we gotta go." He ran out of the cabin, before coming back in for the speaker.

I was so close, again. I'm starting to think its a sign.

"I'll tell you another time." I mouthed to him before we left the boat.

"Hurry up, he's coming." Miguel whisper-shouted as he started to run. Johnny and I started to walk faster.

Sam was at the end of the dock, I presume as a lookout.

As we were walking, A tall man, maybe around Johnny's age was coming towards us. He exuded glamour, with expensive looking clothes and rings, perfect silver hair that came down with a few waves. He walked with such purpose and confidence, once his face came into view, I found myself attracted to him.
He stopped us, and I was practically frozen, caught off guard by his icy blue eyes.

"Excuse me, did you all just get off of that boat right there?" he didn't act as though he was pardoning himself, but rather us, and it was less of a question, and more of a statement.

"What's it to you?" Johnny said before Miguel or I could answer.

"As the owner of that boat, it concerns me a great deal."

Johnny opened his mouth to say something - probably insulting- until I put out a hand to stop him and stepped forward.

"I am so sorry, sir. We were supposed to meet a friend, and I think we went to the wrong boat, it was unlocked, so we had no idea."

"Is that so?"

I glanced at Miguel and Johnny to see that they were nodding along.

"In these instances, I'd call the police.." the man started.

"Oh please don't-" I said, reaching for his arm. His arm was much more muscular than I anticipated, so I got distracted for a moment and brought myself back.

"I mean, maybe we can work something out?" I smiled innocently, batting my eyelashes.

"That wont be necessary." he said, lightly smiling and removing my hand from his arm.
"I'm just here to ensure my property hasn't been damaged."

"Oh it hasn't sir, I promise." Miguel promptly said.

"I'll be the judge of that." he said, pushing past us to go to the boat.
"Though perhaps, as a pre-caution, I should take down your contact information?" he looked to me for a reply. God, he is so tall.

"What the hell do you need our-" Johnny started before I punched his arm.

"Of course. I'll give you my number...and either you, or your wife?, can contact me."

"I'm not married." he lightly grinned.

"What a shame." I smirked, taking his phone and putting in my number. Johnny and Miguel looked at each other annoyed.

"There you go." I said handing back his phone.

"Thank you.." he looked at his phone "Y/n. I'm Terry. Terry Silver." He offered his hand to shake.

I shook his hand, feeling his wrap around mine (y'know what they say about big hands), and he had a strong grip.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance." I said.

"I'd be much nicer to meet under other circumstances, but, likewise."

We shared a look, interrupted by Johnny.

"You two done now?"

"Go on, I'll be lenient this once." Terry smiled.

"Thank you." I said before turning. As we were leaving the doc, Johnny gave Terry a rather unpleasant look and said something under his breath.

"That was amazing, Y/n, you totally got us out of that!" Miguel said.

"Yeah, trying to flirt with grandpa over there." Johnny scoffed.

"More like grandaddy." I said.

"Ew!" Miguel and Johnny both laughed.

Once we got to the end of the doc, Sam came by my side.
"I am so sorry." she whispered.

"Its okay, really." I put my arm around her shoulder.

"But you guys really can't do things like this anymore. You're only lucky he didn't press charges."

"Yeah, I've got enough charges on me, I don't need any more."

I didn't have the energy to question it.

We got to our cars, and Sam and Miguel got in each vehicle.

"Y/n..." Johnny started.

"Yes Johnny?"
He looked as though he longed to say something, but then changed his mind, and said,

"...I'll see you for training tomorrow." He smiled.

"You got it, Sensei." I nodded and got in my car.

I pulled out of the marina parking lot, and put my Olivia Rodrigo GUTS cd, and played love is embarrassing.

"Ughhh!" I let out a sound I had suppressed, feeling all of my frustration through the song.

I glanced at Sam who was silent beside me.

"I was so close."


A/n: what do you guys think?? What was Johnny going to say? And what about the appearance of a certain tall character?

Comment! I love hearing your thoughts!

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