Private Eyes

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On my way to work I saw an ad for a karate dojo taped to a telephone pole. I like to examine local advertisements, and as I approached, there was a giant snake logo in the centre of the page.
It was called Cobra Kai. Their slogan on the ad was "Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!".
Pretty intense ad for trying to get more students.

The bottom had a tear away piece with the logo and a phone number. I took the strip of paper before carrying on my way to work.

I put on headphones and listened to "Private Eyes" by Hall and Oates.

— —

After a long day of working, I was exhausted. I hadn't got any breaks during my shift because of how busy it was.

I put my hand in my pocket and felt a paper. It was the contact paper from the karate dojo ad. I totally forgot.

I didnt have anything to do after work so I figured maybe I'd pass by just to see it.

I got to the plaza, passing the mini mart and saw the aforementioned dojo.

Peering through the glass doors in the front I saw one student with their teacher. They're in fighting stances and I can hear muffled yelling of instructions.


"Sensei, I'm getting a little tired, my asthma is acting up-"


He was sparring with a boy and pinned him to the ground.
The boy looked hurt, I leaned forward to see better and in my worried state pushed the door open and stumbled into the dojo in a mess.
He looked up from the mat and and spotted me.

I turned red instantaneously.

"I'm sorry...I just, was curious about this place and...I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Quiet!" The blond man yelled.

I was shocked, my face froze.

"...Sorry, reflex." He laughed. "Can I help you with something?" He stepped towards me, hands resting on his black belt.

"Well, I'm just curious. I don't know anything about karate. It seems... intense." I looked over to the young boy getting up off the mat groaning.

"Intense is what it takes. This is Cobra Kai. I take weak little losers and turn them into badass fighters."

My eyes wander in the dojo as he tells me this.
Strike first, strike hard, no mercy are painted on the wall along with a massive Cobra.
This really is intense.

"Mind you, I don't typically take on female students."  His comment brings my full attention back to him.

"I'm sorry? What?" I ask. "Why?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Same reason there aren't women in the military. It just doesn't make sense."

I give a look to the boy standing behind this man.
He gives me a look that implies he is usually like this.

"Maybe it doesn't make sense to you. But I'm just as tough as any guy."

"Really? Thought you were an amateur."

"Well, my interest has been peaked. And I feel challenged." I said with more confidence than I've felt in a long time.

"Step on the mat." He ordered.

"Sensei?" The boy asks

"Quiet!" He turns back to me "Shoes off." He walks to the mat.

I slip off my shoes and prepare myself. I gulp in fear and mirror his posture getting into a fighting stance.

"Do you know what blocking is?"

"Yes?" I squeak

"I only accept answers loud and clear."

"Sensei, she doesn't know karate, are you sure-"

"Quiet!" He turns to face me "I'm going to do a few moves with Miguel here, and if you're up for the challenge, you'll do some moves."

I sighed. The only thing waiting for me at home was some leftover wings from the bar and the rest of Grey's Anatomy to be watched on my couch.

"Fine." I nodded.

Miguel looked to me with awe- a mixture of surprise and worry.

They got into their positions and bowed.

I watched as the Sensei launched punches and different strikes towards his student, both making aggressive sounds as Miguel blocked the attacks and made some counter moves.

It happened so fast, and this is certainly not something I'm used to.

Miguel tried to use a counter move that backfired, and he descended to the mat.

"Your turn."


We began moving slowly with him launching a few punches towards me, and I had tried to copy what Miguel had done. As I continued to block, the attacks came with more ferocity and soon I found myself moving without thinking and reacting in the moment. He launched a punch towards me and with my last bit of energy and grabbed his fist in my palm.

"Okay, I'm not gonna be able to do much more now." I breathed heavily

He pulled back his fist

"First time,I'll give you that. Not too bad...for a chick." He smirked


He looked to Miguel.

"If you want to be a Cobra Kai, I'll train you."

"Wow. Karate." I nod a little in shock of what ive gotten myself into

"So, are you going to join us?" Miguel asks

I look to both of them. I look at the snake on the wall.


"I'm Johnny by the way."
I thought he looked familiar before but with the name, I think I served him at work a few days ago. Smaller town than I thought.

"y/n. So you're gonna be my karate teacher, huh."

"No. I'm gonna be your sensei." He smirked


I left the dojo shortly after, and I couldn't stop thinking about Johnny.

He was firey, he was a man of action, I'd be lying if I said he didn't stir up some feelings in me.

Maybe I have a thing for men with more bite, I can't say for sure but now I had to know more.

Cruel Summer  - Johnny Lawrence x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now