Chapter 5: The fourth day

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Lmao would be funny if I made ChrolloxHisoka happen. Just because I can. I want to make this as repulsive as possible, just to see if any of you leave.

Also Hisoka would 100% wear a collar with his partner/lover's name on it. And/or making his partner wear a collar with his name on it.

As day four rolled around, the majority of the troupe came with this time. Barring Feitan, Kortopi, Bonolenov, and Franklin.

Hisoka made sure to flirt with the teenager everything they were in earshot of the troupe.

He likes cementing the ideas they had of him.

This was also why he liked to go into the kid's play place during his breaks. Staying there for a good 15-30 minutes.

The troupe found him repulsive, but didn't care enough to get involved.

Even when they heard a child come running out of the indoor playground, crying to their mom about a scary clown being in there.

The mom, dismissing it as being the McDonald's mascot Ronald McDonald, and wanting a break from dealing with their child for a few minutes, just ignored the child's worries.

"It's fine dear," The mother assured, kissing the child's forehead before shooing him away, "so go back and play."

Twenty minutes later and they still didn't see the kid. Hisoka having walked out of the play place eight minutes after the kid reentered.

The troupe couldn't help but imagine what all Hisoka could do in eight minutes.

Phinks, Machi, and Shalnark's guess was sex.

Pakunoda and Shizuku went with the much more comfortable answer of child torture.

Uvogin and Nobunaga guessed starting a child army, and that was a secret recruiting ground.

Chrollo never said what he had thought off. He was too busy pretending to be engulfed in his book to hide his growing jealousy of Hisoka's flirting with the tonnage girl.

(Yeah, I'm going for it. This is what you all deserve. Chrollo x Hisoka ig😍😍)

Uvogin and Nobunaga were actually the closest in their guessing. The child was simply kidnapped and abandoned on the other part of town, which nobody had guessed.

However Hisoka had started teaching a few of the employees Nen. Curious to see what they'd all do with it, especially the group of cats in a trench coat. Which Hisoka hadn't seen coming.

Really goes to show how good Humeown Purrson's disguising skills were.

Unfortunately, he had to stop training them to do job interviews. Scheduled to interview three people today.

He had no idea people actually applied for McDonald's. He thought they were just grabbed off the streets and tortured into submission.

Hisoka wouldn't deny that he was entirely judging the people based off of first impression. The way they walked, talked, and looked, being key factors in the hiring process.

He ended up hiring none of them.

Interview number one

Hisoka didn't even glance at their résumé, tossing it barely to the side as the applicant came in.

They were around forty, and wearing a baseball cap backwards.

Hisoka's answer was already no.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," The man held out his hand for a handshake, dripping with sweat.

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