Chapter 16

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When my eyes fluttered open, I found myself enveloped in the comforting warmth of a duvet. As my gaze adjusted, I realized I was in an unfamiliar bedroom, nestled in a cozy wooden bed beneath a warm grey duvet. The bed was a little bit firmer than mine. As the morning sun reached into my eyes, my sleep was finally shattered. Rising from my slumber, I discovered myself in a wooden bedroom, a large paned window on my left from which the golden sunlight entered the room, and on my right was the exit door of the room, a blue velvet couch on a side of the door with a small tea table in front of it. The room was completely themed in rough wooden structures.

I didn't waste another minute searching for my cell phone, and I turned back to the nightstand, my phone was luckily there. As my hands reached for my phone, a golden framed photograph kept beside my phone caught my attention, it was a childhood photograph of him. There is a quite resemblance in his face, but the boy in the photograph is much cuter than him. Of course, it's his childhood version.

Suddenly, the events of the previous night flooded back, and it dawned on me that I was in Sheldon's bedroom. What the fuck, I have been lost in him so much that I didn't even realize that I am in his bed right now. Did we sleep together? I don't know, but the sleep was so comfortable, that it didn't give my nightmares a chance to roar into my head.

Without thinking much, I nestled myself into his pillow, again, I tried to capture his essence through the lingering scent in the room. The pillow smelled like a mixture of peppermint and jasmine of his hair gel. Yeah, that's the smell of his hair.

What the fuck am I doing? Smelling his scent, oh no, but why?

Suddenly the realization hit my head, and I got myself up from the bed again. The quietude of the room was interrupted only by the gentle whispers of the wind passing through the windows. Sheldon was absent, leaving me to explore his surroundings. His study table and the bookshelf adorned with numerous novels drew my attention. Among them, the name 'Evelyn Rose' sparked a familiar yet elusive memory, leaving me in a state of Deja vu.

My gaze then shifted to the wall by his desk, holding numerous papers with various kinds of sketches on them; some were portraits of men, women, and children with various emotions, while the rest were nude body sketches of women. What, women?

Among all of those charcoal sketches, one small color painting caught my eye, it was in the very middle of the wall, contrasting with its colors surrounded by black and whites. It simply held a pair of eyes, brown colored iris glinting with a hint of mystery and suspense, while the dark black kohl outlined it giving it a contrasting look. It wasn't simply a pair of eyes; it seemed like it was holding a whole world of enigma behind it. For instance, I looked straight at those eyes and a sudden thought hit my head, are these mine?

As far as I know, very few in this college have the same eyes as me, my eyes are basically chocolate brown with golden strokes in them, they are always lined up with dark black kohl, and the painting depicts the same.

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