Chapter 14. The Curious Case of Leif

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~In which roots run deep~

"So where are we really going today?"

"Well I'm usually a firm believer in show don't tell as a lifestyle principle but I will say that where I'm taking you probabaly no one in the entire forest knows about other than me. Not even my mother. She really good at finding hidden gems like me. Guess I get it from her. Anyways, you'll love it."

I was about to reply then suddenly I remembered the vision I had of Leif early that same day. It stunned me a little but I tried my best to compose myself.

"You ok? You look a little-"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how I'm good at finding hidden gems too. It was kinda my thing back home."

"Oh ok. For a second there I thought maybe you didn't get enough rest earlier."

"No I did. But thank you for your concern," I teased. He laughed and we walked on.

Leif confidently took the lead, his feet strutting like they owned the world! Meanwhile, I was tip-toeing behind him, brimming with excitement and intrigue. The enigmatic aura that surrounded him only deepened the mystery of the vision  from the washroom. He had the forest in his pocket. Every inch of the place seemed to be his playground. Or so it appeared.  As we walked on I silently continued to ponder my vision utterly mystified. How could the vision be true or even mean anything at all when I'm facing such a free and fearless individual. It just didn't make sense.

"Hey, everything ok?" he asked with a genuine tone, "you're like a quiet little mouse today."

I paused gathering my thoughts before answering.  As I looked at him, I realized that I wanted to ask him more about himself. However, I had no idea where to start and I didn't want to be invasive . He seemed to be an open book but I knew everyone had their secret. "Well, I guess I'm thinking about you actually," I said finally.

"Oh really?" He said as a gigantic smile spread across his face. "Well don't hold back! Let's have it.  What on your mind Faust?"

I laughed a little nervously cleared my throat and said, "oh, I'm just wondering, what are your dreams?"

"My dreams? Like at night? Are you asking if I dream about you? Well now look who's being presumptuous now! Wait...did you...are you dreaming about me?"

"No stop it you. I only mean your dreams like what do you wanna do."

Ooooh right...that. Just to set the record straight you didn't deny dreaming about me so.." He shrugged. "But anyways, Ido like to dream. Life is full of wonders. You never know what you'll find."

I nodded, but he wasnt giving me much to work with in the response. It didn't tell me anything useful. I decided to probe deeper. "So, if you had to pick an adventure where would you start?"

He smiled. "I guess if I had to choose, I'd say I want to explore the world. See new lands, meet new people, learn new things. I think that would be amazing. Don't you?"

Now we were getting somewhere. I felt a surge of curiosity. Explore the world. See new lands. Could that have something to do with her vision? I wanted to ask him more, but without sounding too eager. I really didn't feel like explaining the vision too him yet. Our connection was still too new and I didn't want to scare him off. "Yeah that would be amazing! I've done a bit of traveling myself but not as much as I would like. All the kingdoms are magical other than a Elysia so it wasn't often my parents would allow me to set foot someplace with free roaming magic."

Leif nodded, his eyes sparkling with interest. "Wow, you've been to other kingdoms? That's so cool. I've always wanted to see what they're like. What was your favorite one?"

"No not exactly. My family stopped visiting the magical kingdoms when I was still a child although I did once attend a wedding in Lorenimia."

"Lorenimia! That sounds like such a fun place to visit."

"Yes but sadly after that the king and queen refused to visit any kingdoms again. I'm not sure what happened but something definitely did. I was too young to be informed with the details so it remains a mystery to me to this very day."

"What a shame," he said mockingly, " I'm sure whatever it was is a good story if it happened Lorenimia"

"Indeed. Honestly, most of the details are a hazy blur in my mind. I was so young back then! It's been ages since I even thought about that. How curious."

He looked at me as though he were about to say something profound then instead he simply said, " oh look we are here. And just in time.  The sun is about to set."

As I trailed behind Leif, I felt an enchanting aura of awe sweep over me, like some sort of mystical tidal wave.  Somehow Silver Willow Lagoon had a whole new beauty at dusk.  The water was clear and sparkling as the sun's light filtered through the surface. Even the air had a fresh crispness to it that differed from the night before. We reached the water's edge and stepped in. 

"Ok," he began, "so I brought some breath patches. We may or may not need them but just incase."

"Wonderful! I love using these. So I venture that it's a long swim to this mystery place?" I asked as I the the sticky star shaped jelly patch on either temple. They were spelled to allow the wearer to breath in any conditions for as long as they were being worn.

"Ehhh...kinda sorta. I'd say it isn't too bad. The first time I found it I wasn't wearing any patches and I was just fine but some might think it was a bit long so..." he shrugged.

"How reassuring," I said sardonically.

"Are you ready?" Leif asked, his eyes shining with mischief. I nodded, feeling a flutter in my stomach as I did. I trusted Leif, for the most part even if he was shrouded in mystery and secrets. He had already shown me so many wonders in this magical land, and I was eager to see more.

Smiling at me he took my hand. It was evident from the his excited and eager demeanor that he had a secret he was ready to share. Motioning for me follow he dived under the water.

I could see him swimming ahead of me. He was graceful and agile, moving through the water with ease. Naturally. He looked back at me, and winked. I rolled my eyes. " show off," I thought to myself.

We soon reached the center of the lagoon once again, where the willow tree stood on a small island. Its branches hung low over the water, creating a curtain of purple glittering leaves. Leif pointed to a gap between the roots, where a faint glow was visible.

"Follow me," he whispered, and dove back under the water. I followed him feeling a rush of cold water as I entered the tunnel made of mossy overgrown roots. The roots themselves hummed with life and immured a gentle silvery light that danced over Leif's silhouette and lit the way ahead.

Then there was a sudden change in pressure, and then I found myself emerging into yet another lagoon. It was smaller and more secluded than the first one, surrounded by tall walls of dark stone embedded with glittering gems and vines hung all around. The water on this side was warm and soothing.

Leif emerged next to me smiling broadly. "Welcome to my secret place," he proudly announced. "No one knows about it, except for you and me."

I looked around, and there was no denyjng the beauty of this lagoon. I'd never seen anything so beautiful and that was becoming a daily experience for me since moving here. Almost without thinking I turned decidedly and hugged him, whispering in his ear.

"Thank you for sharing this with me."

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