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Author’s Pov

“I thought I did the right thing.”

Morpheus leaned against the table as all three of his sons had their entire attention on him. They knew it was very personal what their father was about to say and they weren't a least bit ready to hear it.

“She wouldn't shut up asking about her parents so I gave her the truth.” Morpheus gulped the uneasiness he was feeling all of a sudden. “I should’ve known she's too young to understand it.”

He played with the bandage on his hand, left from the IV. He was uncomfortable sharing what he was about to. It was something that he didn't even speak to himself about.

It reminded him just how much he failed as a guardian.

Not just once but twice.

“It was the biggest mistake of my life. Everything changed after that day.” Morpheus ripped the bandage as it was annoying him. “The change didn't come at once. It was gradual. I couldn't even place it when it all started and how she became so… rebellious.”

“The day I told her everything was the first time she cried for people who don't deserve her tears. But she promised she'd never ever cry for you again. She said she doesn't care. She told me how much she loves me for choosing her. She told me how I'm enough for her and that we're the cutest and the most perfect family even if it's just the two of us.” Morpheus smiled to himself.

“I was so happy that it all went so well. I never thought she'd understand everything so maturely. That day I was so proud of how I raised her.” His eyes started to water as he remembered the most hurtful days of his life but he held back the tears.

“But I didn't expect her to be so comfortable with her truth that she would go on telling her classmates about it.” Morpheus exhaled deeply. “It got all over the school and she started getting called a bastard.”

The trio kept looking at their father as if not processing his words would change the reality.

They knew how bad bullying can be because they themselves had experienced it in their middle school. A group of four boys in their class used to constantly call them ‘murderers’ going with the belief that they killed their mother —because she died in childbirth.

But not even a month in, they decided they've had enough and they beat their bullies to the point of bruises, broken nose and a fractured wrists.

They never thought Athena would have any problems. They thought she'd have the most perfect and comfortable life. They never considered that leaving her would ever have an impact on her life except for an absence that their father would fulfill.

“I talked to the principal and her bully got suspended for a week but he came back and did the same thing again. One day she came home crying and asked me what's wrong with her…”

“Nothing's wrong with you, sweetheart.” Morpheus was confused at his granddaughter's question.

“Then why did my parents leave me?” Ten-year-old Athena looked at her grandfather with teary eyes. “I get good grades. I don't watch a lot of TV. I never hurt anyone. I never stay up late. I never say bad words. I’ve even started eating veggies. What did I do wrong?”

“You did nothing wrong, Athena. Some people are bad people and they leave the good ones. It's not your fault that your parents didn't know any better.”

“Jackson calls me a bastard everyday but his parents didn't leave him. He’s so happy, grandpa. You know our school janitor, she's always rude to her husband but she's still happy. Bullies are always happy. They always get what they want.” She started crying and Morpheus engulfed her in a hug, rubbing her back.

Fathers of Athena Konstantinos (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora