Gregorian Bivolaru

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Gregorian Bivolaru also known as Magnus Aurolsson and nicknamed Grieg, Grig or, by the press, Guru (born 12 March 1952) is the founder of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA). MISA started as an idealistic organization and degenerated into procuring and forced prostitution.

In 2005, the Supreme Court of Sweden agreed to grant political refugee status to Bivolaru in response to his claims of persecution by Romanian authorities. On 14 June 2013, the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania definitively sentenced Gregorian Bivolaru to 6 years in prison, without suspension, for sexual acts with a minor. Furthermore, he was acquitted of all the other charges against him (e.g. minor trafficking). Gregorian Bivolaru is also on the 'wanted' list of Interpol, for criminal charges of aggravated trafficking in human beings. In a European Court of Human Rights judgement in 2021, he was proclaimed to be a criminal on the run for forcing his followers to turn over their life savings to him and have sex with each other, and him, at his command. Young female members said they were forced to work as strippers and appear in hardcore porn films. In 2013, he was convicted in absentia for having sex with a minor. France executed a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) for him in 2016. He was again arrested in France in November 2023, but not for extradition purposes.

Early life

Gregorian Bivolaru, born in Tărtășești, Ilfov County, (now in Dâmbovița County), Romania, completed high school in Bucharest, he joined a predecessor to the Bucharest Metro company as an unskilled laborer in 1971. He began practicing yoga at the age of 17.

During the communist regime Gregorian Bivolaru was kept under observation by the Department of State Security, because he was practicing and teaching yoga, yoga being outlawed in Romania at that time. He was jailed twice and forcefully hospitalized in a psychiatric ward once. In 2012 two courts acknowledged that Gregorian Bivolaru was sentenced and jailed for political reasons during the communist regime (pornography was also illegal during the communist regime) ("the political nature of the convictions decided against the claimant by penal sentence no. 68/1977, penal sentence no. 960/1984 and of the claimant's hospitalization ruled against him by penal sentence no. 616/1989").

In 1977, he was arrested on the charge of distributing pornographic materials and sentenced to one year in prison, but he did not complete it due to an amnesty granted for all minor convictions by the President of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu on his birthday. On 17 April 1984, he was arrested again for the distribution of pornographic materials. He was locked up in a Securitate cell, from which he managed to escape. He was captured a few days afterward, then tried only on the charges of escaping from prison, and sentenced to 18 months in jail.

On 17 August 1989 Bivolaru was arrested again, on the grounds that he was mentally unhinged and a menace to the general public. Prosecutors requested he be hospitalized, which was granted two days later on 19 August 1989 by the Sector 1 Tribunal of Bucharest based on a report submitted by National Institute for Legal Medicine IML. He was sentenced to hospitalization at The Poiana Mare Neuropsychiatry Hospital in Dolj County. In the IML report the diagnostic was schizoid personality disorder, paranoia with obsessive-phobic elements. Apparently confirming the diagnostic of schizoid personality disorder, a psychologist, a close friend of Bivolaru when asked by a young girl in 1983 about attending Bivolaru's courses, advised her to stay clear of him because he is a "psychopath". Cecilia Tiz, a yoga teacher formerly associated with MISA, has publicly stated that "Bivolaru is a sick man who needs therapy". During his 2016 extradition procedures, Bivolaru pleaded irresponsible (his defense produced some certificate that he is legally insane). He thinks he is unfairly persecuted, just as Jesus Christ was unjustly crucified.

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