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1. Tybee Lighthouse and the Ghostly Girl

The Tybee Lighthouse was first built in 1736. However, several violent storms and shore erosion caused this Georgia lighthouse to become structurally unsound. As a result, the lighthouse was meticulously rebuilt. Over the years, inclement weather and erosion did away with the light a couple more times, and the lighthouse that stands today is the fourth one on Tybee Island.

Many people who visit this scary lighthouse have reported hearing disembodied sounds, such as phantom whistling and the sound of unseen feet. A few people have even reported seeing the apparition of a five-year-old while climbing the stairwell. The ghost girl, who wears historic clothing, warns visitors not to go any further up the staircase.

Some paranormal enthusiasts have theorized that the girl may have perished when one of the previous Tybee lighthouses crumbled to the ground in a storm.

2. Owl's Head Lighthouse and the Loyal Captain

The Owl's Head Light Lighthouse overlooks the beautiful Penobscot Bay in Maine. The area surrounding the lighthouse has been established as the Owl's Head Light State Park and is protected from development. The lighthouse was first built in 1825.

Historical records have been written about a three-year-old girl who once lived in the lighthouse with her parents. One morning, the girl woke her parents up, forewarning them that a dangerous fog was about to roll into the bay. When her parents asked the girl how she knew the fog was coming, she informed them that she had an imaginary friend. Her parents discovered that this imaginary friend was, in fact, the ghost of a former sea captain.

Even though the lighthouse itself is no longer accessible to the public, many people visit the park each year and have witnessed the sea captain still wandering about the grounds. Folks who live near the haunted lighthouse year-round have reported seeing his footprints in the snow.

3. Point Lookout Lighthouse and the Dead Soldiers Who Still Linger There

The Point Lookout Lighthouse was built in Scotland, Maryland in 1830. Some people consider the structure to be one of the most haunted lighthouses in North America. Several ghostly figures have been known to appear and suddenly vanish within the lighthouse structure. Some people have reported seeing doors open and close seemingly of their own volition. The most common things experienced are disembodied voices and the sound of running footsteps.

Some researchers believe that Point Lookout is fraught with so much activity because a hospital and a prison camp for Confederate soldiers had been erected and used near the premises during the Civil War.

4. Seul Choix Lighthouse and the Basement Apparition

The 1892 Seul Choix Lighthouse overlooks Lake Michigan at Seul Choix Point. Today, the structure is available for tours from Memorial Day through mid-October. The house where the light keepers once resided has now been converted into a museum.

Tourists claim that the ghost of the former keeper, Captain Joseph Townsend, haunts Seul Choix. He died in the keeper's house during the early 1900s. It was in the middle of winter when he passed on, and the ground was too frozen for immediate burial. His body was stored in the basement until spring, and many people believe this is why he haunts the lighthouse.

Captain Townsend was very fond of cigars, and some visitors have reported smelling cigar smoke in the museum. Staff members have stated that chairs in the kitchen are often frequently disturbed even when the museum isn't open to the public. A couple of people have reported seeing the ghostly face of a bearded man peering through the windows.

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