5. to cease to be a ghost

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Harry could not believe he had actually convinced Cassiopeia Malfoy (or Black, he should say) to comply with the investigation. And only with two court orders, at that.

Cassiopeia had sent him a message late the previous day, letting him know she and her sister had landed safely in England. They had taken an aeroplane from Canada because Orion was afraid of Portkeys. Harry could not imagine Cassiopeia stuck on a giant metal tube in the sky for seven hours. Though she probably travelled comfortably in first class.

Either way, they'd landed, and Cassiopeia was supposed to come into the DMLE today.

The Aurors were gearing up for a frenzy in the Ministry, and Harry was fairly sure he'd seen some people in the Atrium who didn't belong already when he got in that morning. Though—supposedly—no one outside the DMLE was meant to know about Cassiopeia coming in.

Harry glanced at the clock. She said she'd be there at 9. Only a few minutes to go.

"Just so you know," Ron said, from his spot across Harry's desk. "Ginny doesn't know about you going to Canada."

Harry frowned. "All right..."

"You're welcome."

"Well, I'd thank you but I don't see why she shouldn't know I went to Canada."

"You know Ginny used to think you had a thing for Malfoy. And I don't think she'd be too pleased you went to fucking Canada just to warn Malfoy about the investigation."

Harry's jaw clenched. So he could keep himself from saying who cares what Ginny thinks we've been broken up for five months. But he only said; "I didn't go to warn her."

"Yeah, yeah. Gin'll be angry either way."

Harry didn't answer. He glanced back at the clock. Cassiopeia was always painfully on time, so she'd probably be arriving at the Ministry any minute now. He stood up. "I'll be right back."

"Is that the cloak?" Ron asked.

Harry pushed the piece of shimmery fabric that poked out of his messenger bag back inside. "I really gotta go."

And he slipped away before Ron could ask any more questions.

Harry found Cassiopeia right where she said she would be, at the north entrance. She was standing next to her Proper Lawyer, a short balding man, and on her other side, was an elderly woman with a stern look on her face.

"Hello," Harry said awkwardly.

"Hey," Cass replied. "This is my grandmother, Muna. She... insisted on coming."

Harry's brows raised. So this was probably the only person in the world who could beat Cassiopeia's will. "Oh. Well, it's very nice to meet you Mrs..."

"Akrad," the woman filled in, shaking Harry's hand with a firm grip. "You must be Harry Potter. My granddaughter has told me about you."

She spoke in a marked accent Harry assumed was... Middle Eastern (he had not yet asked exactly from where in the Middle East Cassiopeia's family was, he made a mental note to figure out a way to ask).

Cass looked Harry in the eye. "Well, now you can tell her that Muggles aren't allowed in the Ministry."

Harry looked between the two of them. He did not want to lie to that woman. She reminded him of McGonagall. "Uh... well she can wait for you in my office. I don't mind."

Mrs Akrad smiled. "Oh, that is very kind of you, Harry. I would like that very much."

Cassiopeia glared at him.

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