1. the hells move in cycles

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AN: Hi, welcome! This is one I've been thinking about for a while. Figured I'd just go for it and post it. I have only one clarification to make; Cassiopeia is not just a female version of Draco. So, in a lot of ways, her backstory is a little bit different from Draco's, and her personality is different. You'll see, I'm only saying this because I don't want anyone yelling at me. I honestly don't love Draco as a character and so I created my own... variation of him (I also can't help writing about women, so here we are). Hope you enjoy it, thank you for reading!

Cassiopeia knew she shouldn't have come.

She generally avoided crowded events like this. But her sister, Orion—affectionately known as Rye—had convinced her to come. Cass had skipped her university graduation two years ago and Rye thought it was unacceptable for her to miss her master's degree ceremony as well.

So she was here. For her sister's sake. (And a little bit for her own sake). Cass diligently sat through the (extremely boring) ceremony, she went up on stage to receive her diploma and smiled for her sister's camera.

But she just couldn't relax. There was something... off. She could feel it in her bones.

She fidgeted in her seat, looking around at the faces in the crowd, and her anxiety grew. Until she couldn't take it anymore. She could feel her heart racing and she knew it was probably just her anxiety lying to her brain but she had to do something.

She slipped out the first chance she got. She headed for her building—wanting to feel the familiarity of it. The safety of it.

Luckily, the English department wasn't too far from the hall where the ceremony was being held. Cassiopeia speed walked all the way, uncomfortable shoes and all.

She opened the door to one of the common rooms and dropped into an armchair.

She should've listened to her instincts. She knew that. Her gut feelings were often correct.

She had let her guard down, and she knew it especially because she didn't even notice him until he knocked on the doorframe.

It was unbelievably jarring to see him there. Halfway across the world, in her university. Her city. Her graduation.

Harry Potter.

Cass was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her at first. Because it couldn't have been.

But it was him. The same lightning bolt scar, the same piercing green eyes, the same messy dark hair. He barely even looked older. He might as well have just come out of that court room where Cass saw him last.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. He seemed almost equally surprised to see her as she was to see him. Though clearly, he was here for her. All the way in Canada.

"Hello," he said awkwardly.

He really hadn't changed much, had he?

Dread pooled in Cassiopeia's stomach. If he was here, it couldn't be for a good reason. She wrapped her arms around her middle as if she were trying to hide herself. She didn't reply. She only stared at him warily.

He took a step into the room.

"I'm sorry to intrude like this... but I've been trying to reach you for weeks."


"I can't receive owl post where I live," she said. She crossed her arms over her chest, took a breath. "How the f—" she bit down the swear, "How did you find me?"

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