Desperate Chances

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Present day

"That's...the gist of it..." Kageyama drawled, rubbing the back of his head. He couldn't meet Hinata's eye the whole time he recounted what happened a year ago, pointedly leaving out some of the worst bits, like when he begged for a kiss after singing Jingle Bells for the whole world to hear, or their makeout in his bed, but the rest was there. "You felt better in the morning and went home, but your sister texted and told me that you passed out as soon as you got back. I guess the fever lasted a few more days after that."

Hands in fists, Hinata growled unexpectedly, "That bastard, Tsukishima. I can't believe he never said anything about it to me. How'd he resist the urge to make fun of us for a whole year?"

"I dunno." Kageyama shrugged, dazed, completely lost as to why Hinata was so angry. "Maybe he's planning a big, humiliating reveal for some other time."

"Maybe... That sounds like him."

They lapsed into silence, each lost in their heads. At least in Kageyama's case, he wasn't confident enough to say anything more. Not before he heard Hinata's thoughts on the matter.

"Did something when we got back here?" Hinata hedged after a few tense moments. "That part is kind of hazy, but I think I remember something..."

Kageyama stiffened.

Scratching his head, Hinata continued, "You said I kissed you when I was drunk, and Tsukishima saw that, but then all you said was that you got me inside and into bed so I could sleep off the fever. But did I pass out again? I swear I remember being awake and—"

Kageyama stared wide eyed with his lips pressed in a thin line like he was scared he might say the wrong thing.

"Something did happen!" Hinata accused. He pointed at Kageyama's face as if that was all the evidence he needed that Kageyama was keeping secrets still. "I knew it! Tell me."

Kageyama put up his arms to block Hinata's tirade. It ended with pillows being thrown and their uneaten dinners almost falling off the bed. "Knock it off!"

"Then talk!"

"Okay, okay! Fine! I'll talk!"

Hinata didn't cease his onslaught until he got that promise. Finally sitting back, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Kageyama brazenly, waiting for the explanation.

"We... Well... You sorta... You kept asking for more kisses," Kageyama drawled, cheeks growing warm.

"I was drunk and feverish," Hinata explained. "It's not like you gave in, right?" When Kageyama didn't respond, Hinata stressed, "Right?"


Hinata fell back against the pillows. "You did. You gave in. We made out, didn't we? Cause I thought that was just a weird fever dream, but if we actually— If we—" He paused to gulp.

Slowly, they met each other's gazes again.

"Are you—" Hinata started at the exact same time, Kageyama blurted, "I'm sorry—"

They started over, and Hinata motioned for Kageyama to go first. "I'm sorry," Kageyama repeated. With a long sigh, he stared into his lap. "I shouldn't have. You're right. You were drunk and feverish, and I was the more sober one, so I shouldn't have—"

Hinata held up his hand to stop him. "No. You don't have to apologize. I just want to know... Are you gay? Cause you never told me if you were and if you had feelings for me."

Kageyama shrugged. It was the most honest response he could give. Relationships never interested him before when he was practically married to volleyball. Training always came first. Matches over holidays. All his life events could be measured and marked by volleyball milestones. When did he have time to date in the midst of that? He would have made for a horrible boyfriend. Girl or boy, didn't matter who he might have tried to date. He would have been the worst.

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