Screaming, Crying, Throwing Up

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Kaii was mesmerized by Hinata's bright orange hair. Staring wide-eyed with tears staining his red cheeks, he'd finally gone silent after nearly twenty-minutes straight of glass-shattering cries.

Hinata stared back, equally flabbergasted by the infant sitting in a carrier on Kageyama's counter. "I'm kind of surprised you called me," he said, continuing to stare at the baby.

"I called Shimizu first," Kageyama quickly defended. "She was busy this week and suggested I call you."

"Oh. You didn't try Sugawara? Isn't he a teacher?"

Oh yeah. Shit. Kageyama had completely forgotten about that. Truly, he could have called anyone else from his old team, and any one of them would have been better. Yamaguchi, Daichi, even Azumane. (Though the latter would probably be terrified of messing up the infant's development.)

Rather than admit he panicked and called Hinata without a second thought, Kageyama remained silent.

Hinata patted his knees and stood up straight, ready to get down to business. "Okay, so where are the instructions for how to take care of him? What's his name?"

Too late before Kageyama could swipe the notebook off the counter, Hinata picked it up with that natural, athletic speed of his, flipping to the first page. His eyes glazed over, like he was just as intimidated by the dense text as Kageyama had been, but then his gaze snapped to the first line.

"Wait. Tsukishima Kaii. Tsukishima. This is Tsuki's kid!?"

"Keep it down, boke!" Kageyama yelled, equally loud as he swiped the notebook back. "Yes. This is Tsuki's spawn."

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"Is that important?"

"Uh— YEAH! If we mess this up, Tsuki will kill us! His kid probably wants to kill us too!" Hinata pointed menacingly at the infant still restrained in the carrier.

Kaii started to whine again, and Kageyama's heart raced with fresh panic. "Just shut up! I need to figure out what he needs next. He'll keep crying if I don't figure this out. Help me read the schedule. I can't make heads or tails of this."

Bumping shoulders over the counter that turned into mini shoves, Hinata and Kageyama put their heads together to make sense of the schedule.

"What time is it now?" Hinata asked.

"A little after noon," Kageyama responded while his finger traced down the immaculately drawn timetable on page two.

"So isn't he supposed to be napping?"

"No, that's the hour before. He was supposed to nap when he got here."

"So we're already behind schedule? What's next?"

"Next is his afternoon snack."

"Wait! Wait! Don't flip the page yet!"

"I have to, boke! If it's snack time, I have to consult the meals section for what he's allowed to eat."

"Can't we just put on a cartoon to calm him down?"

Kaii fussed some more, gearing up for another crying session. If they didn't hurry, the screaming was bound to start up again.

"Go stand in front of him," Kageyama barked.

"What? Why?"

"He thinks you're a tangerine and stops crying when he sees you."

Hinata sighed heavily, but he did as he was told, placing himself in front of the carrier again. "This good, Tsuki Junior? You like my hair?"

Kaii's fussing stalled, but it didn't stop completely. Learning quickly that Hinata didn't have a clue how to take care of him either, he wasn't impressed with either of his new caretakers.

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