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Excuse any mistakes:


I took Janet to the hospital but abruptly had to come back to the school. Something about how that all just went done felt off to me.

I sat at my desk looking into Ms. Jackson school information.

"Janet Jackson... where have I heard of that name from?" I continued to look into the information, saids here she just got hired here like a couple of months ago.


"Umm Ms. Braxton?"

"Ahh Principle Ward, come in and close the door behind you. Let me guess about today's events?"

"Yes, you know Ms. Braxton, your response of actions today could definitely have you fired and a lawsuit on the school."

"Well that's fine, though that doesn't dismiss the fact that two girls attacked another teacher; yet alone got hold to me."

"What other teacher?"

"What you mean what other teacher? The young lady I took to the hospital was a faculty member. She's the English honors teacher."

"Oh oh my, I never knew."

"How come you never knew? You don't know the teachers you've hired out here?"

"Ms. Braxton with all due respect, this is a big school there's no way I can keep up with the teachers, I don't even know all the students."

"That I we can tell."

"Bottom line, you could've use other forces. We get it, you're tall and strong, that doesn't mean you go round using it."

"I'm sorry, but I could've sworn these are legal adults just like me. I'm not finna let these fools jump me or anyone around me and that's just that Ward."

"I see. Well who were the girls that jump uh the young lady."

"The two girls, were Latoya and Maureen."

"Oh, well you see Ms. Braxton those girls are great assets to the school, so I would ask that you nor your fellow faculty member to not press charges or a lawsuit."

"How so, you sleeping with them?"


"Ward! Why we can't file no suit, give me a reason."

"They parents somewhat own the school, if this get outs we have no school."

"I wonder what else you wouldn't have."

"Well with that attitude you got, I don't have you. It pains me say this because you're a great teacher, but until further notice you're suspended."

"You're unbelievable ward really. If that is all you can leave."

"It's my school, so in other words you can leave."

"I got your number Ward, know that." He left out smirking, as I looked at my computer some more before gathering my stuff.

My phone started to ring in the midst of gathering my things.


"Hi is this Ms. Braxton?"


"Good, I'm nurse Cole. I was calling on the behalf of doctor winans, we need you up here until her mother gets here, are you available?"

"Yes I'll be on my way."

"Thank you."

After gathering something's and placing them in my car I proceeded to the hospital.

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