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Excuse any mistakes:


"Toni wake up, please, please baby. Wake up, you have to!" I kept shaking her as I carried her in the house.

God she's heavier than she look. I got her in still trynna wake her up. "Come T, please."


"Yea that's it." I took my shirt off and tied it around her arm. Lifting up her shirt the bullet only grazed her lower abdomen. I held a cloth on it still waiting on her to wake up.

"Baby, whatever you do, you have to wake up please." I leaned down to kiss her. Looking over her I realized that she's by far one of the greatest human beings on this planet. She's my super hero and hopefully my lover.

Jan, I hate to say it but we're in love. Honestly I rather us be in love with her then falling for someone else, because to tell the truth she's better then anyone we could get with. Folks only wanted us for our looks, but her; she wants us for us. She accepts our flaws, imperfections, she accepts us and that's a real type of love.

You're right strawberry? That's why I need her to wake up so I can tell her. Tell her how grateful I am for her, how I've fallen deeply in love with her, that I love her..

"Mhh, J?" Her eyes slowly opened looking at me.


"H-How did we get back here?"

"You drove here, then blacked out."

"Thank you, most would've left me for dead and got themselves out of there."

"I'm not most, I'm just simply me. I wouldn't dare do that to you, I love you truly." She looked at me in shock that the words fell out of my mouth as such, and actually I was shocked myself.

Those three words aren't just three words. You don't just throw them out there. Deep down I knew I loved her, was it too soon to say it maybe, but it was also too soon to have sex.

Could this be a mere reaction to how she's treated me and the sex we've had, or was my heart really in it, I really truly did love her.

I can tell in her eyes she's had deep feelings for me, the way she cares for me. How she looks at me, touches me, speaks to me. I know deep down there's an emotion that she has for me.

Noticing that she hasn't spoke yet, I wave of sadness fell over me. Her hand placed itself in my cheek as her eyes slipped into mine.

" I love you." I smiled at her as she smiled back.

"Can you help me upstairs? I gotta stitch myself up and take the bullet out, if there is one."

"You don't wanna go to the hospital?" I questioned I only seen people in the movies do this kind of stuff.

"Nah mamas, I got it." She smiled weakly at me as we proceeded to get up.

"I haven't been shot at in so long I forgot bout the adrenaline rush of fearing for your life. Most definitely didn't miss that." She joked but honey I won't joking, that thing scared the soul completely out my body.

"Imagine how I feel?"

"You don't have to be scared, use me as your shield. I'll protect you always mamas." Yea, that's sooooo cute. NOT.

"I won't, I can't."

"Well I'll jump in front of you. Just know I'm not letting anything happen to you."

"You better be lucky you're hurt, I'd show you just how thankful I am."  We got upstairs and I watched her strip down to her boxers.

"Me being hurt ain't got nothing to do with it. Cause when I get to showing how thankful I am.. mmm god help you." She licked her lips looking at me as if I was prey.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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