chapter twenty six

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I hear my Dad open the door, and I immediately hear the flood of voices as they step into our house. I look at myself in the mirror one last time. I swallow nervously. One more night. One more night and this is practically over.

But do I want it to be?

I blink the thought back and head out to greet the Cameron's. As I step into the living room, the vibrant hues of light purple worn by the two families catch my eye. My Dad, Rafe, and Ward wear icy, more masculine shades. Wheezie wears a simple, knee length lavender dress with white flowers adorned in her hair, while Sarah wears a silky lavender. Rose and my Mother wear similar but unique lavender dresses, but Rose dons a gold headpiece that looks like it could poke someone's eye out. There's another man, a man I don't recognize, but which I assume to be the photographer.

Sarah looks a little bored out of her mind— probably because she hasn't spent time on Figure Eight for a while. It's clear that she misses the rough charm of slumming it with the Pogues. There's nothing wrong with that, but there's the unspoken rule of sticking to your side of the island unless you want to get killed.

I eye her secretly. Is she upset that she's here? Even more because our families are in coordinating colors?

I don't even notice Rafe at first thanks to my secret glances towards Sarah. When I see him for the first time, I know I don't do a good job of hiding the surprise on my face.

Rafe, like my Father and Ward, wears an icy purple suit with a sleek black bow-tie. There's an air of sophistication to his presence, one that he may always have but is never so prominent.

My breath catches in my throat with an almost audible gasp as I make a terrifying realization. For the first time, I realize that Rafe Cameron is symmetrically perfect. Mathematically, symmetrically, perfect. I've never noticed how perfect he looks because I've always been so overcome with hate every time I see him.

There's something cold about his face, something that makes him difficult to look at. Especially now, with the icy tones of his suit bringing out his eyes.

Everything about him reminds me of a blade, in the best way possible.

When he finally turns to me, I see his eyebrows tick upward. I see his eyes widen and I see his lips part— all so slightly most people wouldn't have noticed. But in that moment is when I know he looks at me and feels exactly what I feel.

Heat floods my face and I avert my eyes, mortified that I didn't look away sooner.

"You look so gorgeous, Lux," Ward's voice says, snapping me back into the present. I turn to him and smile.

"Thank you, Ward. I'm— I'm really happy, about the matching colors. With our families, I mean."

He flashes his pearly white teeth at me in a charming smile. "I know you are! Rafe here...I can never tell with him. But I'm very sure he is too."

I smile. Ward claps me on the shoulder. "I'd say it's time for some pictures!" He announces. He looks around my families courtyard. "I think this is the perfect spot."

"I couldn't agree more," my Dad says, flushing proudly. "These are going to turn out so great."

The photographer instructs us to stand in various poses and positions, first with Sarah, Wheezie, and I.

"Lux!" Wheezie's sweet voice fills the air, and I turn to her. I've always loved Wheezie— always had a sweet spot for her.

"Hey, Wheeze! How are you?" I say, kissing the top of her forehead lightly. "I haven't seen you around all summer. Where've you been!?"

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum